General Category => Miscellaneous => Topic started by: Rock77 on February 06, 2004, 07:57:37 AM
Ok, there has been lots of talk about what the best ball(s) of all time are and what ball is best for this condition and that condition. But, lets go a little more in depth. What is the your best ball in your bag?? Your best ball isnt always going to be your "go-to" ball, but simply the ball that gives you the best look when the lanes are suited for it. Mine is a tough decision between my V2 particle or my Voodoo, but all in all, I would have to say that when the condition is right, I can score well with the Voodoo all the time. So, in my bag, the Voodoo would be my best ball to use when the lanes are just right for me to use it. Whats yours??
"I am the most consistent bowler in my house....
I consistently SUCK!!"
Well...if you asked me about a month or so ago I would have said my Track Freak...however, I haven't been able to put away my Silver Streak Pearl lately. Oil, mediums, dry, it can handle most everything with the proper line adjustments. 297 a month ago in a collegiate tournament, 775 last night on a China league shot, this thing is money. Thanks to Roger and the others at Roto.
Andrew Loose
Illinois State University Men's Bowling Team
The best ball I have ever used is the Track TKO. I still go to that ball if I start to struggle. There is something about that ball that I can get going again. In a close second right now would be the Carbide C Pearl love the way that ball flips and shreds the rack.
trying to have fun while I bowl
Inferno. duh.
You can always hit em hard when you've got the balls
Lefties are the only people in their right minds.
My benchmark ball is the Pearl Carbide Bomb. I can score with it on lite mediums to medium heavy with just a little adjustment.
For lite to medium, my Eraser.
Never see much heavy long oil.
~~~SrK - Have balls, will travel
Old bowlers never die, we just don't score as often
Still my pantera... 930 series (4 games) last time the lanes and it were matched up. Prior to that 978 (not sure)
Close 2nd would be My tiger..
Both have over 1500 games already on them but still going strong...
I would have to say mine would be Track Assassin... But the ball exploded into a ton of little pieces when it hit the pins tonight.....
Im just trying to be nice around here.
I second the Pearl Carbide Bomb - power and control - a great benchmark ball for most conditions.
Triton heat(i never get sick of answering this question

EVERYONE wants some of this!!!
I have liked a LOT of balls, and until recently would have had trouble picking one out as "The Best". For me the decision would have to hinge on which ball I hope and pray I will be able to use when I walk into a tournament - and for the last 3 or 4 months the choice has become obvious - INFERNO - Hands Down. Anything else I pull out of the bag is only because the Inferno isn't matching up. I like all the balls in my arsenal - but the INFERNO is the top dog. Anyone who doesn't feel that way either bowls on a FLOOD, hasn't thrown one, threw it on the wrong condition, or had a mismatched layout.
Well until Fri.nite it was my Track EMB.
But now it most definetely is going to
be my Track Threat. What a ball.
Winners Never Quit & Quitters Never Win
before buying my inferno....
Code Red Critical Mass SE
-Jeremy Vitug
"Guys, guys, guys... listen. I have a fever... and the only prescription is more cowbell!"
My 3D MAXXX. It's the ball I use the most. It's not suitable for a desert or
flood but anything in between It's my go to ball.
My Vortex II Particle is my best ball when the lanes match up. I've had decent luck with my El Nino Wrath as well.
My best ball when conditions allow it is the Particle Vendetta, drilled axis leverage. More honor scores with this ball than any other I have.
Best all-around ball is the Thing, works extremely well on most oil patterns unless the lanes are flooded, in which case I use the Vendetta.
Runner-Up, The Inferno. I wouldn't touch a Brunswick ball for years until this came out. Terrific ball, powerful back end, hooks back from anywhere. It restored my faith in Brunswicks ability to make a good product.
Currently the best ball in my bag when the condition is right is the Phenom Unleashed. It will carry everything.
I say that and I have 2 relatively newer balls that seem to work well when the lanes are right for them. The Roto Grip Apocalypse and the Track Animal. Only time will tel how good they really are though.
When the conditions are right, it's the Command Zone ARC.
Cogito ergo bowl
No question about it my power groove proactive plum!
im a columbia/lane #1 man myself...but between my cranberry/c buzzsaw, and my aftershock/combined with my throttle series.....i cant go wrong...
X-Factor and Deuce
They work identical on their ideal condition so I can't pick just 1.
The X does get more use though due to the fact that I rarely see enough oil for the Deuce.
Without question original Cuda/C, I've been through uncounted balls since I got it and nothing is more versatile, or carries anything like it.
My Phenom Unleashed. Man I love that ball!
Black Cherry Bomb, out of the box this is an even rolling great ball, polished up it goes long and snaps at 50 feet. Who would think that it was a 2 for 1 deal, but this ball is just that good.
No doubt my Eraser Particle Pearls. I have two, one pin over the ring/11:30 and the other pin under the ring/12:00. The longer of the two gave me my high for this season at 790, the other is definately my bench mark ball. I plan on buying a third to drill label and shorter pin.
My fav ball i can't decide on it was my elnino gold till i had to retire it and now its my darkside within two days of having it i shot a 279 and a 810 then two days later i shot a 300
Silver Streak Pearl, even though my Thing has been gaining rapidly.
My good old Hammer Nova Pearl. Although as I'm using my new Vicious Strike more its creeping up on the Nova but not topping it yet.
All hail the almighty SillyBillyBob
Diesel reactive pearl - it is truly a niche ball in my arsenal, but when the conditions are right for it, it is better than anything I own.
Kill the back row
brunswick inferno----very versatile. first ball out of the ball every time.