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Author Topic: USBC Membership - Your Breakdown  (Read 4408 times)


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USBC Membership - Your Breakdown
« on: July 15, 2009, 03:28:35 AM »
It appears that some USBC members believe that USBC is constantly wasting its members money.  So let's take a closer look at that claim, shall we?

USBC receives $10 for each adult membership.  To keep this simple, we will assume that USBC also takes the same $10 for youth, even though they actually only take $9.50 according to

Let's assume for this argument that USBC sponsored tournaments are self-sufficient and run based only on entry fees and other additional other words, no membership dues will be used for the tournaments.

Here are the departments that you must have:
- Awards
- Education/Workshops
- Rules
- Specifications/Certification (includes bonding insurance)
- Administration
- Facilities

So how do YOU divide up the $10 USBC will receive?  Which part of the organization is the MOST important to YOU and why?  Do you think $10 per member is enough to adequately address the issues important to YOU?

How do you think YOUR division relates to how USBC divides it up?  What do YOU think USBC puts the bulk of membership dollars towards?

How would YOU make it better?



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Re: USBC Membership - Your Breakdown
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2009, 12:00:28 PM »
In my area, the one association takes $20 for the sanction. $10 to usbc and $10 to the local.

Now that's more of a sham that the local takes $10. The local USBC doesn't do anything more than the average association does.

Depends on the size and number of centers in your association.  We take $8 and we are nearly always running in the red.  

We input awards and honor scores and distrubute them
data enter sanctions and memberships
hold yearly open meeting
send delegates to national and state conventions
maintain averages and create an average "book"
certify centers
certify oil dressing
hold association tournaments
maintain local bowling history
gather  and collate materials for league sanctions
hold yearly secretary meetings
provide local hearings for things like re-rating averages and non payment of    fees for leagues
hold yearly fund raisers like BVL and Bowl For the Cure
Scholarship funds for youth

Keep in mind that if your association is more then a few centers then it cannot be run from someone's garage and rent and utilities have to be paid for office space.  

Again, once you start working with your association as a director and/or volunteer you start to get more appreciative of what they do do for the sport at the local level.  



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Re: USBC Membership - Your Breakdown
« Reply #2 on: July 15, 2009, 01:05:13 PM »
I think at the local level "USBC" is doing all the grunt work.  While at the National level "USBC is collecting all the money for their fun projects.  



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Re: USBC Membership - Your Breakdown
« Reply #3 on: July 15, 2009, 01:13:39 PM »
I believe with the union of the BPAA and the USBC, the USBC will become a little more streamlined. They do more than just awards, and my local association does a wonderful job of staying connected with the league bowlers also. The USBC does not for communities of people, just visit the BVL website. Usbc big push right now is in the youth segment, results show that in the current trend, there will be no youth program in 5 years, as reported to me last weekend at a state convention. So they need to redirect time and money into this effort. I do the love the new options on the rings for the upcoming season. the new will be launched sometime around Aug. 1st.


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Re: USBC Membership - Your Breakdown
« Reply #4 on: July 15, 2009, 01:25:37 PM »
Before this thread goes in a direction that I did not intend...

I am talking about USBC National ONLY.  How would YOU divide the $10 that National gets from you.

The money each local/state takes is different and could be the subject of a completely different thread.

This thread is designed only for USBC National and the $10 they get from each member.

As for those of you who lump in the local as part of USBC...they are different and perform different functions.  If you have a complaint about your local, then name the local, as well as your complaint.  Do not lump in local concerns as being part of USBC's problem.  Those issues do not concern USBC unless some type of wrong-doing is being perpetrated.


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Re: USBC Membership - Your Breakdown
« Reply #5 on: July 15, 2009, 01:46:03 PM »
It appears that some USBC members believe that USBC is constantly wasting its members money.  So let's take a closer look at that claim, shall we?

USBC receives $10 for each adult membership.  To keep this simple, we will assume that USBC also takes the same $10 for youth, even though they actually only take $9.50 according to

Let's assume for this argument that USBC sponsored tournaments are self-sufficient and run based only on entry fees and other additional other words, no membership dues will be used for the tournaments.

Here are the departments that you must have:
- Awards 1.50
- Education/Workshops 2.00
- Rules 0.75
- Specifications/Certification (includes bonding insurance)3.00
- Administration 2.25
- Facilities 0.50

So how do YOU divide up the $10 USBC will receive?  Which part of the organization is the MOST important to YOU and why?  Do you think $10 per member is enough to adequately address the issues important to YOU?

How do you think YOUR division relates to how USBC divides it up?  What do YOU think USBC puts the bulk of membership dollars towards?

How would YOU make it better?

as you can see I split up money to me the specs and certs are the most important part with education and workshops a close second (these should however include classes on building membership and filling leagues both for USBC officials and bowling center management)  I placed an emphasise on admin as well.  USBC is a multi million dollar organization and it does take people to run, awards next, as USBC must show its members they count too, rules dont need a lot of money, heck the book in online and they only change 2-5 rules a year, why spend a ton of cash on it, and lastly is facitities, i for one do not agree with the move nor do i agree with spending tons of cash on a new building when the old one was quite able to handle what they were doing


F.O.S Loud, F.O.S. Proud

Lane #1 Baby


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Re: USBC Membership - Your Breakdown
« Reply #6 on: July 15, 2009, 02:06:10 PM »
What was the greatest amount of money spent on last year by the USBC or better still the top 3. I would think salary and if so how much do the top guys and gals get
Bless the LORD o my soul and all that is within me bless his holy name
Bless the LORD o my soul and all that is within me bless his holy name


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Re: USBC Membership - Your Breakdown
« Reply #7 on: July 15, 2009, 02:49:01 PM »
What was the greatest amount of money spent on last year by the USBC or better still the top 3. I would think salary and if so how much do the top guys and gals get
Bless the LORD o my soul and all that is within me bless his holy name

its posted every year in their finacial report, as well as the slush fund they continue to hold


F.O.S Loud, F.O.S. Proud

Lane #1 Baby


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Re: USBC Membership - Your Breakdown
« Reply #8 on: July 15, 2009, 03:06:28 PM »
As long as my prize funds are bonded, I could care less what they do with it.
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Re: USBC Membership - Your Breakdown
« Reply #9 on: July 15, 2009, 03:44:23 PM »

I would eliminate free awards.  If you want them pay for them yourself.  $10.00 gets us an awful lot in terms of equipment specs/certification, rules, etc. and these are essential.  I have no idea what USBC spends on edu/tng but would be willing to bet you can find areas to trim there. Also, I would constantly examine admin. for waste.  This is usually where you can find a few skeletons in the closet.

$10.00 to national is getting us a lot more than what locals are providing.  Having said that, I would be willing to pay a good deal more and eliminate the middlemen, locals.  Trouble is I'm not sure the current crop at USBC Hqs. wouldn't waste a lot more if we gave them more.