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Author Topic: curious about bruns  (Read 2534 times)


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curious about bruns
« on: May 04, 2009, 03:04:36 PM »
i mean no harm in anyway to brunswick by asking this question, its just pure curiosity. I am just curious if anyone at brunswick researched the profit of their move to mexico before they did it, but if they took into account how they thought people would react to the product not being made in the usa? I am curious to know if their move paid off or if their sales have decreased since their move?



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Re: curious about bruns
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2009, 11:49:49 PM »
do you think nike really cares what it's consumers think about their shoes being made in china, the phillipines, or malaysia ?


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Re: curious about bruns
« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2009, 01:14:43 AM »
i have heard rumors that the boat division is losing big money but i am also curious about the bowling portion of brunswick. in my buddies shop they went from 35-40% brunswick sales to none. 3 balls this calender year so far. michigan is sensitive to job loss right now as you can imagine and brunswick is not popular. its a shame, i love my rattler.
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Re: curious about bruns
« Reply #3 on: May 05, 2009, 09:50:33 AM »
nike is a much bigger corparete entity, that doesnt rely on consumer awareness as much as brunswick does, and their competition is also located outside the usa, brunswicks main competetion is inside the usa.


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Re: curious about bruns
« Reply #4 on: May 05, 2009, 12:34:21 PM »
I have loved Big B for most of my bowling life, well over 20 years with a seven year lay off due to health.Nothing in my bag but Big B. But when they came out with the enmotion cover stocks it forced me to look elsewhere.The equipment would not match up to my game.I had two balls to crack , a Twisted solid and a smash zone.One ball cracked in the first game on the third frame, the other I had a total of two and a half games on it.They replaced both balls with no trouble and was very professional with little or no delay in getting the balls back to me.I started to use Visionary equipment and I like it a lot.When Big B came out with the Cooperhead I was the first in line to get one and it worked well for me, I still have it,but I found that I had moved on.Visionary and the older Columbia stock was serving me well and I did not want to switch again. I still hold Big B in high regard and have thrown some of the newer equipment with good results.I wish them all the success in the world and will move back to their product in time.The Bowling World NEEDS Brunswick in the mix IMO.I do think the move to Mex. was a mistake.Time will tell how big a mistake it was.


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Re: curious about bruns
« Reply #5 on: May 05, 2009, 03:34:08 PM »
We are finishing up a league called the Brunswick Outfitter's Club.  The giveaway balls are TZones.  Just about every polyester ball is made in China or Mexico.  The Ebonite Maxim is still made in the US.  I would rather give the money to Mexico than China.  Our next league will be Tornado Chasers with Ebonite balls.  The only Brunswick balls we buy are TZones or a Power Groove.  We do order 20 or so at a time.  I still would have liked Brunswick to move to Louisiana or Alabama than Mexico.  The Americans there really needed jobs.


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Re: curious about bruns
« Reply #6 on: May 05, 2009, 04:05:03 PM »
if you are looking for a plastic ball and you are thinking columbia 300, hammer, or storm, their plastic balls are made in china.


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Re: curious about bruns
« Reply #7 on: May 05, 2009, 04:47:53 PM »
There you have it.  How can you make a profit on balls that sell for $69.95 drilled?  I buy from a distributor that buys from the manufacturer.  Everyone has to make money.  Even if you divide $69.95 by 3 it's not much.  The manufacture most likely has the highest cost factor.  If they make $15 a ball they still need to sell a ton of them.  Figure the Chinese make them for a third what the US does and the cost is $5 a ball they make $10 if they are lucky.  Can you see Americans making bowling balls for $5 a ball?  Maybe the box it comes in for $5 but not the ball.


Even more scary:  Figure they sell 10,000 balls?  That's $100,000 dollars.  What's that 2 maybe 3 peoples payroll???

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Edited on 5/5/2009 4:51 PM
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Re: curious about bruns
« Reply #8 on: May 05, 2009, 11:30:20 PM »
Activator...I can't speak for all Infernos and other they used this on but me an most will tell you the Radical Inferno was one of the worst bowling balls ever made.


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Re: curious about bruns
« Reply #9 on: May 06, 2009, 12:14:16 AM »
I have had a lot of luck with balls since their inferno series.

Most are overseas releases of their zones and revolutions which are the same covers and cores just mixed and matched a little differently.

My bro has drilled some of their stuff for here like the sidewinder, smash zone, and blast zone which have all rolled great.

I did drill a avalanche pearl also which rolls really well.

My only complaint has been I've noticed a lot more blems and x-outs from brunswick which you never use to see. (which are a great deal for me)Also I had some first quality balls that had labels that were incorrect mis-marked or overlapped.

I think all bowling companies will suffer some now with todays economy the way it is currently.
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Re: curious about bruns
« Reply #10 on: May 06, 2009, 12:37:40 AM »
nike is a much bigger corparete entity, that doesnt rely on consumer awareness as much as brunswick does, and their competition is also located outside the usa, brunswicks main competetion is inside the usa.

That's BS, except for Nike's size. Brunswick's bowling branch competes globally with the other big players in the market, it is one of the IMO big 3 manufacturers/brands out there.

Being a brand, they better rely on customer awareness, but I do not think they did in the past years or do . No wonder they seem to face trouble.
It is just return on investment, not customer care, as far as I can tell. IMHO, the move to Mexico has been a disastrous move for marketing. Controllers will smile, but I think this has made big B pretty unpopular and rather ruined their good quality rep - esp., because there has been a recognizable decline in quality (or the control thereof, like weird static weights or CG mismarkings).

Even around here the brand has become pretty unpopular, because many people are disappointed with the newer equipment (IMHO a lot since the Smokin' Inferno, esp. the high end stuff). And their arsenal structure has been and still is unclear to customers selling high end equipment with symmetrical cores (and useing them in a lower ranked line) while the rest of the bunch used it as a top notch feature.
And with the total discontinuation of the Furies and even new entries to the Zone line with the Wild balls, the confusion goes IMO on and on... I just hope they get their offerings in order.
DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany

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DizzyFugu ~ Reporting from Germany