My parents bowled all the time when I was a child. Mom was from Baltimore, which is a pretty decent bowling city - Danny Wiseman country. I went bowling from time to time as a child, but no leagues or anything.
I started bowling with intent in college. Having no friends or acquaintances at the universtiy for me to hang around with, I went bowling with another guy from the marching band. Before the end of the semester, I was bowling several times a week. I was on the college team 4 times, All-Campus champion twice. ACUI Singles Champion, Doubles Champion, Team Champion all in the same year. All of this with a well worn Columbia 300 Black U-Dot and Black Knight.
I joined my first league after I graduated and despite having to quit the game for a few years, I joined the PBA in December 2003. I have never posted a sanctioned 800 or 300 (299/796 is about as close as I've come); credit those goals for keeping me going in the game. Not to mention I'd like to make match play and eventually win a PBA event.
Gotta have a goal.
NutIf horse racing is the sport of kings, then surely bowling is a very good sport as well.