Just curious to know about everyone's first memories regarding bowling and what made them continue on. For me it was my parents who bowled every night of the week in a local bowling center- so that became an instant babysitter when I was a child. I first started to pick up a ball when I was 3, and my father insisted that I was right handed because everyone else in our family was (my older brother included). After 2 tries at throwing it right handed he let me try left handed and voila...I've been a wrongsider every since. Started up in my first youth league when I was 6 (had to convince the house owner that was ok, because Bantams were usually supposed to be at least

and I started up in travelling leagues when I was 9.
What made me continue on? The socialization, the chance to meet a new group of people, the love of the sport, the desire to learn more about equipment, different lane conditions, different hand positions, spare shooting- and the challenge bowling gives me.