I am a ball whore, I'll admit to that. I also love experimenting with different drillings. I still have at least twenty balls from the 90's that I don't regularly use....but I know how condtions were in that decade, and should I ever encounter those conditions again...I can immediately go into my "library" and access a ball that will do the trick.
This year I'm in four different leagues, but I regularly carry 6 balls to league play. Why? Because each house shot I bowl on is so very different, I have to have a variety of balls available in order to score. People have questioned me regulary about carrying so many pieces, but the proof is in the pudding, so to speak.
This year I have recorded more 700 sets than I ever hve previously in my bowling career, so why mess with succes? I have the equipment.....might as well use it! The only people it seems to bother, are the 2-ball house hacks who score outrageous numbers in 1 house, only!
Duct tape is like 'The Force'. It has a light side and a dark side, but it still holds the universe together.
Some days you're the bug; some days you're the windshield.