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Author Topic: Your thoughts: Big Companies VS Small Companies  (Read 2548 times)


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Your thoughts: Big Companies VS Small Companies
« on: April 09, 2010, 04:26:35 AM »
What are your thoughts between big and small Companies?

Do you think big Companies like Storm, 900 Global, Brunswick, and Ebonite do better equipment than smaller companies like Legends, VBP, Seismic, AMF, and Motiv? Is their a Difference in how hard gear hits, how much it hooks, how well it carries when the two groups are compared?

Lets face it a company like Lane1 even though alot of people dont like to admit it is making equipment that can at least compare with Storm or other big companies.

My thoughts are like this. Small Companies can be competitve with larger companies by making gear that stands out. or is a little different. I.E. Legends covers going all the way to the core. Lets face it MoRich is just a little different cause of the guy running it. Seismic has wild colors, and cores that are carry machines, Motive stands out cause of the different covers they use.

While larger companies are sticking more with the tried and true while still advancing forward.

Just my thoughts how about yours?

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Re: Your thoughts: Big Companies VS Small Companies
« Reply #16 on: April 09, 2010, 04:32:24 PM »
900 G holds the rights to market balls under the AMF Brand.  I myself have just started trying some of 900G stuff and currently am throwing a Breakout and AMF Heist Pearl.  I have found these to be extremely good balls for me.  In our area you don't see much but Hammer, Storm, Brunswick and Ebonite.  So I guess in my mind and knowing 900G is fairly new I would not put them in the same category as the others.  I have tried some Lane 1 with some success but have not tried Motive, Visionary or Seismic at this time.  I guess I try and find something that works for what I am doing and don't really get wrapped up in whether they are a large or small company.



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Re: Your thoughts: Big Companies VS Small Companies
« Reply #17 on: April 09, 2010, 04:37:41 PM »
As far as product, not a whole lot of difference between the bigs and smalls, since the smalls usually have the bigs pour their stuff in the same molds, using the same chemicals, and finishing them with the same pads in the same haus machine.

As far as I know, Visionary, Lanemasters, and Motiv all pour their own.


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Re: Your thoughts: Big Companies VS Small Companies
« Reply #18 on: April 09, 2010, 11:27:51 PM »
I guess it's like anything else.  Big companies are "trusted" entities while going with a smaller company may or may not yield a better quality product, but with the risk associated with a smaller company.
I personally have a mix, but none from the smaller companies right now.  It's not because I am worried about smaller companies, but they simply aren't available and used locally.  
Of the smaller companies, Motiv has made a pretty big impression locally.  It generally comes down to what the local pro shops like.  They should know the house and should know the bowler, so many go with their suggestion.  Interestingly, Big B lost a lot of local customers because of the manufacturing thing.  Part of the reason Motiv is getting play is due to there previous relationship with Big B and the move out of the US.

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