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Author Topic: ~*~* ~*Attention to all Bowlers *~*~*~  (Read 1312 times)


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~*~* ~*Attention to all Bowlers *~*~*~
« on: February 19, 2004, 04:57:09 PM »
Hey Everyone! We have a new product that a few people have stated that they bough one from us on ebay. This product is called the Alley Gripper.

With regular use the engineered
surface of the Alley Gripper while conforming
to the curvature of the ball removes the track
off the outer surface of your bowling ball.
We have tested the ALLEY GRIPPER with
various calibers of bowlers and the result
was a consistent increase in game score of 7 to 20 pins.

please check out our website and buy one today. it will take the track off your ball and will increase your average!

I have had a few requests to bring this item to the miscellaneous forum, so here we go!

*Please, Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but please if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all!  We have sold over 200 of the Alley Gripper, and have had 99% of our customers give us positive feedback on how this item worked.  I encourage my customers to try my product out before they leave me feedback.  

Just go to our site or search for alley gripper on ebay.  Our website will be cheaper though!


Edited on 2/20/2004 8:53 AM

Edited on 2/20/2004 8:54 AM

Edited on 2/20/2004 8:55 AM



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Re: ~*~* ~*Attention to all Bowlers *~*~*~
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2004, 09:00:21 AM »
Hey Mike, uh yeah...point taken. Dont see much, on your website, regarding this product so I wonder if you can give any specific details? Grit value, suggested application, actual customer feedback, and etc.? Personally, I like good old wet/dry but the above may help others who are interested in your product. Thanks.


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Re: ~*~* ~*Attention to all Bowlers *~*~*~
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2004, 09:13:28 AM »
I wish things like this would stay in the "Wanted For Sale/ Trade" forum.  If I want to buy an accessory or a ball, I would look there.  If I just want to read about bowling, I look here.