Another Morich winner - totally impressed with hitting power so far.
What a hooking and hitting monster!

Ball Specs out of Box 15.1 lbs, 3.7oz top, 3 inch pin
Drilled as Sharp Breakpoint per Mo's Drill Sheets
All Holes drilled extra deep to gettop, side and finger weight within USBC specs. Pos Side = 7/8 oz and Pos. Finger = 1/4 oz.
Out of box finish.
My Stats:
High Spped player - 17 - 20 MPH srike ball 22+ spare ball speed : > ))
Med Revs - 300 - 350 * sometimes less
Primarily like to play up the boards - more consistent 8 - 12 board swing most times.
9-11-2008 Pratice session on 39' THS with OB at 3 board oil on heavier side.
Game 1 - 250 (2 opens) last 8 strikes
Game 2 - 204 (3 opens inc pocket 7-10, chopped bucket) Last 5 strikes
Game 3 - 220 (2 opens) 7 strikes total missed 7 pin & missed 10 pin.
674 series to start - numerous trailers, sometimes pin travelled across lane twice coast to coast, shots sounded awesome and results were too.
9-12-2008 Thursday League Session - 39' THS on heavier side with OB.
Game 1 - 213 with 2 opens (missed 10 pin, chopped 3-6)
Game 2 - 185 with last three strikes (Left 7 single pin spares) * Bowlers fault on single pins, did not study pin reaction and adjust for better strike hit.
Game 3 - 268 (10 pin in 5th frame and 2nd ball of 10th frame)
666 series
223 Average over 6 games so far, I average 206 normally using weapon of mass bias drilled label.
Great googly moogly - this ball hooks Very impressed will review a little later to see how things progress further.