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Author Topic: Colossus  (Read 23918 times)


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« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: Not Available has the largest selection of bowling balls
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Colossus has a radical new core design which produces more overall hook. It's a ball that revs up sooner while maintaining axis rotation, allowing the ball to continue through the pins. The Gripper EF coverstock's easy adjustability makes it simple to control the amount of hook that you desire. It reacts to lane friction immediately and accurately. It's all the hook you'll ever need.

Aver RG's: 2.526

Differential: 049

Flare Potential: Large

Cover Stock: GriPpeR EF (enhanced friction)

Core Type: MOtion Tuned Free Form

Core Dynamics: Strongly Enhanced Mass Bias

Ball Structure:Single Density Core, Dual Shell

Factory Finish: 500 Compound


im a toe

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Re: Colossus
« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2001, 05:07:40 AM »
Rather than tell you how I did mine, I’ll give you my observations so far.

This is the hottest ball around the area.  This is an easy revving ball (easy to control), yet still pops on the backend – very unusual - the first of it’s kind that I have seen.  Most balls have been given to players that have higher than average ball speed and medium to little or no wrist action.  One player with a strong hand can go coast-to-coast just touching it with scotch-brite over the box finish.  Don’t be afraid to go with strong layouts and surfaces, this ball skids better than you would think with an aggressive particle cover and dynamic core on good head oil.  Just for the hell of it, we took one for a 19+ ball speed player to 320 grit, 3 3/8” 75 degree layout for an anticipated flood in a tournament and he whacked ‘em.  

For those people who want to take a chance on a GREAT ball that doesn’t have Columbia or Brunswick stamped on the side, give this MoRich monster a try.  (By the way, Columbia manufactures this ball for MoRich, so expect the same high quality standards as your Columbia stuff).

I think this will impact the ball market like the Danger Zone did when it was released.  Thanks Mo for everything you promised us in the literature, and more.

Josh Telecky

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Re: Colossus
« Reply #2 on: October 30, 2001, 11:49:20 AM »
Ok, at the center I work at we have now sold four of these balls.  Two to people with a hard time getting the ball to hook and the other to guys that wanted to finish out the arsenal.  The two that had problems with hook, don't have a problem anymore, one of them actually needs to switch balls after the fifth game or so.  I will post an additional review once the two that were trying to fill out their arsenal have some frames under their belt with these.  This ball is a 10, no doubt about it.


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Re: Colossus
« Reply #3 on: October 30, 2001, 10:12:59 PM »
I had never seen a Morich ball in action and was a little hesitant about buying the Colossus, but after reading the reviews on this site I decided to buy one.  I drilled the ball for max backend (high track) based on the drillings found at  Out of box the ball goes much longer than you would think, and hits the pins harder than any ball I have seen.  Even on less than perfect shots, messengers were flying around to leave no pins standing.

I scuffed the cover to 400 grit to use the ball on heavy oil and was not disappointed.  This ball would make a nice arc to the pocket where my Ebonite Dominator just could not make the turn.  You don't need to have a lot of hand to throw this monster... let the ball do the work.  THIS IS A MUST HAVE BALL FOR ALL STROKERS.  

If you are looking for the hit of a ball thrown by Robert Smith, but don't have his hand (Nobody does!!!) this ball is as close as you are going to get.  10 out of 10
You will not see me on the PBA Tour, but I love the game!!!


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Re: Colossus
« Reply #4 on: November 11, 2001, 07:48:07 PM »
I just got in my MoRich Colossus a few days ago. I had it drilled for med-high revs for medium track players and for maximum ball hook and flare(pin 3 3/8" away from pap and mass bias 5" away from pap)hadnt used it until today in a adult/youth tournament. WOW! What a ball. The lanes were flooded. I was happy to have this ball on this day. My dad was embarrassed because he couldnt get his ball to finish and my ball was. This ball truly is all the hook you will ever need. It doesnt just hook more then any ball i have ever used it hits harder then any ball i have ever used or seen. If you are one of those people who hates 10 pins like me, you will no longer have trouble with them. This ball hits so hard once in while you will leave a solid 9 though. I was light on the head pin several times and cant remember one time that i was that i didnt get a strike. even if you did leave something solid messengers would be flying all over the place knocking them over. If you have trouble with not having enough hook and not enough pin action this is your ball. I give this a solid 10 out of 10 no doubt this is the best ball have ever thrown.


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Re: Colossus
« Reply #5 on: November 19, 2001, 01:49:41 AM »

I just got my colossus 2 days ago an I had a chance to throw it this afternoon,(11/18/01).  I got this one used but was only played for 2 games by a regional pro in Glendale.  I won't mention his name but I do have a message for him;  "bad move dude!"  This ball is a monster!  I'm just a medium revs,medium speed bowler yet with the colossus,  I'm throwing it like a seasoned veteran.  I used mo's drilling pattern for sharp breakpoint  for high track players.  With ths drilling,  I am able to stand on the 28th board and throw it on the 5th.  This ball makes an awesome turn. Scored a 204 on it the first time,  then 268 and 232.  That was a bowling first for me..=)
To all bowlers still seeking for the right ball for them,  give this ball a try.  Oh yeah,  one word of advise; LAYOUT.  It's imperative that you know your PAP.  That's the only way you can make this ball work for you.  Make sure your driller know's where it is.  I've seen some drillers ignore the mass bias on some balls, thinking it was not important.  They couldn't be more wrong..=)


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Re: Colossus
« Reply #6 on: November 20, 2001, 09:05:48 PM »

I've gotten some comments from other reviewers from ths site, regarding the RC or the mass bias indicator.  Wel,  here it is: In any ball from any manufacturer, if the ballhas a mass bias indicator,  the c.g. location is not much of a factor,  as long as it's in the right "zone."  The mass bias indicator's are known by several names.  In Mo-rich balls,  it's the RC or reaction center.  In Storm balls, it's caled the MC2,  Faball,  it's the hotspot.   As you can see it's just a different name,  same animal..=)  As far as i can tell,  only mo-rich has a drilling layout with the c.g. zone and has a precise measurement of the distances between mass bias, pin and PAP.  Perhaps I should also clear up the c.g.ZONE.  It's that specified "area" on the ball in which the c.g. should be located  after thye ball has been drilled.  It's really driller friendly.  Just log on to the mo-rich website,  it''l clear things up.=)


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Re: Colossus
« Reply #7 on: December 16, 2001, 01:06:43 AM »
2-3" pin.  Drilled with the pin next to the ring finger, (so close it is touching the finger insert.)  The cg is kicked out to the right and the star is just to the right and below the thumb.

Bowling on a sport condition that is pretty flooded.  Averaging around 175 but have not shot above 150 the first game this year.  Have not shot below 185 the third game this year.  So i knew i needed a heavy oil ball to clear the way for the extreme choas to start bombing the pocket.

I decided to pick up this ball for my problem and it is absolutely a beast.  The middle of the lane it starts to rev up and it arcs hard into the pocket.  It carries everything and hooks thru the pins.  A powerful arc without any over under, very perdictible.  Shot 212 with this ball the first game this week.

Know when to stop using this ball because by the start of the second game it really started to burn up due to lack of oil.  Shot a 155 but now i know when to swich.  Followed up with the extreme and shot 195.  



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Re: Colossus
« Reply #8 on: January 08, 2002, 10:29:16 AM »
Well, after reading all the positive reviews on this ball, I got myself one. I wanted it drilled according to the high track-specs, but my pro shop screwed up and drilled it like every other ball they drill. Tried it out and was disappointed and attributed the problem to the drilling error. Not giving up on this ball, I took a green scotchbrite to the ball and stripped off the factory polish. The next day on my league I threw back-to-back 246 and 245! Patience is the key, and once I realized what this ball could do, BINGO! Knocks out pins like a claymore mine!!!!


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Re: Colossus
« Reply #9 on: January 16, 2002, 04:14:27 AM »
Purchased the ball on 1/11/02 and couldnt wait to throw it!  I was using a Thunder Storm and was not getting pin carry and wanted something that would hook more.  I throw the ball pretty hard and it was hard finding a ball that would hook.  Well I have found one!!!  This ball is a hook monster and is very consistant!  In the 3 games I have bowled, I didnt have to move at all and only missed the pocket twice, my fault!  Really wouldnt carry the 10pin, but changing my angle into the pocket and getting use to the ball will fix that!  I just Love this ball!   I had ball drilled for strong mid-lane hook and a continuous arc to the pocket and it did exactly that.  It rolls nice and when you hit the pocket, pins fly everywhere!  This is a great ball even at the hefty price!  I shot a 620 the first night with it and could have been easily a 700, if I can only pick my spares and the 10pin would fall!! LOL!!!!


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Re: Colossus
« Reply #10 on: January 23, 2002, 08:13:41 PM »
Well where do I start?!  I had this ball drilled during league play since I was looking for something with a little more umph in the middle of the lane. The layout was the factory suggested layout for medium revs and medium to high track. I was in the third game of my series and started 4 boards left of where I was rolling my Trauma ER and hit 6 out of the last 7 to pull out a 233. Well I didn't stop their. My tuesday league at a different house, and a more down and in shot and the ball was perfect for the edge of the oil... 233, 269, 248! And I'm between a 195 and 200 average at 3 different houses. The ball hits hard and rolls sweet! I guess that shows the equipment has gotten to good, but only if drilled by a good pro shop guy or gal. I would recommend this ball to just about anyone, except somebody who has lots of revs because it really snaps on the back end.

Take care,



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Re: Colossus
« Reply #11 on: January 24, 2002, 07:06:42 PM »
This review is for the Peral Colossus.  WOW I tried using the minotaur and had very little luck with the drilling so my local pro shop put me in the peral colossus.  What a ball I have it drilled at about 2 o'clock 1 1/2 inch above my ring finger with 1/2 ounce of side, this ball hits like a truck.  I am an average bowler. (190's)  I expect that to increase very quickly.  Did not fare real well right out of the box on league night shot 550.  The nice part is that the scores continued to get better once I figured out what this animal could actualy do.  The next  day I went back to the lanes to play a bit more, shot 690.  No practice used two lanes just like league.  Made two a two board adjustment after the first ball and ran the next 8.  if it wasn't for the pure tap 8 pin in the tenth there is no doubt it would have been a 280.  They say this ball goes four feet longer and it does.  the nice thing is that it is pretty versitile.  Have not seen what it can do on flooded back ends but not to worried I have plenty of room to play with and this ball has a great transition.

bowler guy

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Re: Colossus
« Reply #12 on: January 26, 2002, 12:22:10 AM »
Just got my Colossus and just shot it for the first time in league. First impression...WOW! This ball hits 2 tons! I am a tweener with medium revs and medium speed but this ball makes me look like a cranker.
    The ball is drilled usings Mo's sharp breakpoint for medium track players (me). The pin is about 1/2 inch from my ring finger in about the 2 O'clock position. Balance hole on the intersection of the VAL and ML (pitched away). Ball has been dry scuffed with burgundy scotch brite.

The condition was a second shift typical house shot with a slight bumper out at the first arrow. I was swinging the ball out over second arrow. My mark never changed although I did have to move my feet a board or so every five frames. This ball is extremely agressive but I was still able to use it all three games. I found the Colossus hits extremely hard on slightly light hits so I tried to keep it a little light. Dont get me wrong, this ball will crush the rack on solid shots, but I liked the way it was carrying light. The Colossus mixed the rack like it had been hit from all sides! I have never experienced so many deadly scouts with my other equipment. My teammates are seriously considering getting Colossus' after seeing the shear power mine has. This is my first MoRich ball and it wont be my last!

Thanks for reading,

C-G ProShop-Carl

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Re: Colossus
« Reply #13 on: February 15, 2002, 10:11:13 AM »
I couldn't wait to get this ball! But now I cannot wait to sell it.
I like the way it hits, but this ball does not hook like advertised. My Reaction Roll outhooks this ball by atleast 6 boards.
I think I may try o shine it just to see wha it will do. But I am very disappointed
Carl Hurd

Austintown Ohio (Wedgewood Lanes)

900 Global, AMF Staff Bowler

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Re: Colossus
« Reply #14 on: February 17, 2002, 08:48:13 PM »
To excaliber:  It's nice to know that you're giving this ball another try.  You said it's not hooking well?  Bear in mind this ball is very bowler specific.  Your PAP measurement should be known by your driller first and foremost.  You just can't go ahead and drill this ball just like brunswick balls..=) ie.  c.g. on center grip or pushed out,  pin over/under ring finger etc....etc.  With this ball,  c.g. is not very important.  You just have to place in a certain zone.  Consult mo-richs' drill sheet for a better explanation. GOOD LUCK!!!