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Author Topic: Colossus  (Read 23388 times)


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« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Colossus has a radical new core design which produces more overall hook. It's a ball that revs up sooner while maintaining axis rotation, allowing the ball to continue through the pins. The Gripper EF coverstock's easy adjustability makes it simple to control the amount of hook that you desire. It reacts to lane friction immediately and accurately. It's all the hook you'll ever need.

Aver RG's: 2.526

Differential: 049

Flare Potential: Large

Cover Stock: GriPpeR EF (enhanced friction)

Core Type: MOtion Tuned Free Form

Core Dynamics: Strongly Enhanced Mass Bias

Ball Structure:Single Density Core, Dual Shell

Factory Finish: 500 Compound


Ron Ware

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Re: Colossus
« Reply #16 on: February 21, 2002, 03:35:42 PM »
After reading all the hype about how much this ball hooks, I decided to drill one of these "bad boys" up.  Keep in mind that I throw the ball pretty hard with a little bit better than a medium hand, which isn't too bad for an old man...anyway, touched it up with a bit of scotch brite and expected the ball to go coast to coast on a regular house shot.

To my dismay, I had to slow the ball down to get it to flip and turn with any carry authority.  Sure, I was swinging it (standing 30 and hitting out to 7) but this ball was to outdo anything on the market! My intent was to maintain my normal speed with the early roll this ball was to provide.  To make a long story short, I ended up having my nephew, Ryan Burch (it's a matter of time before you start reading about this young man), hit the polish to about a 1000 before the next league the following night.  I was convinced that if I did not get a better reaction with it polished, it was going to my "exit" arsenal....

I ended up with a 787 series the very next outing and must admit, a couple of those hits were the strongest crunch shots I had ever rolled.  I had messengers coming from both directions!  The drawback was that I had to slow my footwork and hold the ball lower starting out to maintain the minimum speed I could generate to get the best breakpoint down the lane.  I always felt that adjusting your speed is the hardest thing for a bowler and I had to do this to take advantage of this polished ball.  But, if you are disciplined to do this, then you will love this ball.  At the same time, if you're a very high rev bowler, don't get gun shy thinking that this ball is "too" much ball for you.  You will be pleasantly surprised.


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Re: Colossus
« Reply #17 on: February 25, 2002, 08:44:35 PM »
We have had a recent addition to our lanes lately, OIL.  The Mo-Rich Colossus seems to
be the remedy.  Pin 3 1/2 to 4 1/2 from axis, mass bias kicked past VAL, balance hole per
drilling instuctions. ( I pitched the balance hole away from grip center 1 1/4" as suggested by
Mo in BTM) This seems to be about a 30 degree drilling if you use the degree method.
 You will want to start with a ball with less than 3 oz top weight to achieve ABC legal weight
balance.  This drilling seems to help everyone get easy revs with tons of FLARE!  Surface
prep is critical.  Start with factory polish and adjust accordingly.  Make small adjustments,
as each step seems to add to much more flare.  I have only been able to go as far as grey
scotch brite on any of the balls that I have drilled(about 15 or so).  This aggressive drilling
never seems to quit as long as you have some oil up front to help hold the ball on line towards the
Bottom line, find some oil, and have some fun.


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Re: Colossus
« Reply #18 on: February 28, 2002, 02:06:22 PM »
I have this ball drilled 1 n 1/2 inches from the pin. Let me tell you this ball is worthless. With the way I throw the ball I can usually throw anything. I average 215-220 and if I would throw this ball I would average 170. This ball hits like a marshmellow, a powder puff well i guess you get the point. If this company wants to stay in bussines they nedd some help.


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Re: Colossus
« Reply #19 on: February 28, 2002, 02:12:34 PM »
Dont let these other reveiwers convince you. About how it hits or hooks or whatever else. You have a better chance with a black beauty house ball.

It sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Dont be fooled!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hits like a 6 pound solar house ball!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Re: Colossus
« Reply #20 on: March 01, 2002, 09:25:25 AM »
rock on pedro, i couldn't agree more with your review...this is about the worst hitting ball i have ever seen...rolls well,hits the pocket and you'd swear the pins were made of concrete...

bowler guy

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Re: Colossus
« Reply #21 on: March 01, 2002, 11:52:22 PM »
I do agree that every one is entitled to their own opinion, so heres mine. I disagree with the last couple of reviews. I have found my Colossus to be every thing MoRich says and more. I have bowled with other equipment but nothing out hooks or out hits my Colossus. It will carry all ten from just about any angle and carries off hits extremely well.

There is only so much the ball can do, most of how well a ball performs comes from the bowler. I have found that this ball likes to be just rolled. If I hit up or rip through the ball it doesnt get into the proper roll entering the pocket. This is the key to this ball scoring well! Let the ball do the work like you are supposed to and the Colossus will dominate all! Dont be afraid to adjust the surface either. These two things cannot be ignored.

People who whine about a ball not scoring well are just using the ball as an excuse for their lack of skill. I'm not trying to start an argument, but different bowling balls match up with different conditions. It is up to the bowler to make the correct match. The day there is ONE ball that works on EVERY lane condition, for EVERY bowler is the day I'm going to quit bowling!


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Re: Colossus
« Reply #22 on: March 07, 2002, 10:26:31 AM »
I bought this ball used of ebay. Its the best ball that I have
ever owned. I'm a 190 bowler in two leagues. This ball is at its
best when you just roll it. Depending on the style of bowler you
are you might want it dull or shiny. It will cover all mediums.
Adjust your speed and let the core of the ball do all the work.
When this ball comes out of its spin and starts to roll its
pretty and it continues through the pins. Downside is throw it
to hard and you get corner pins. Carries light hits best. It has
a strong arc and will come back from anywhere.



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Re: Colossus
« Reply #23 on: March 08, 2002, 09:19:04 PM »
I have to agree with bowler guy.  I have been throwing my colossus for a couple of months now and it's still my best goto ball.  So far no so called "tec" death on it despite the fact that i've had 100 or so games on it.  It still hooks and hits with the same power as the day I got it. ( Which I think is quite impressive since I did get it used from a pro here in Glendale.)  =)

To Pedro:  Are you sure it's drilled correctly?  Is the Balance hole (if any) placed at the intersection of your VAL with the line drawn from the center of the grip?  Was your PAP taken into consideration when you got it drilled?  I'm afraid this is a very bowler specific ball,  and I don't mean style.  The PAP is very important for this ball mainly because of the strongly enhanced Mass BIas,  just like all MO-Rich balls.  Dtermine your "EXACT" PAP then get the ball re-drilled.  I'm sure that will fix it.


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Re: Colossus
« Reply #24 on: March 17, 2002, 05:08:07 PM »
This ball is awesome.  Carry is tremendos.  If you hit the pocket they're all falling down.  Wicked backends and does exceptionally well on heavily oiled lanes.  Haven't seen death of this particle ball yet and it has about 40 or so games on it.
If you talk I'll talk back.
I will be up in your face, I will win, and I will show you why I am what intimadation is.

little bowler

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Re: Colossus
« Reply #25 on: March 20, 2002, 01:15:10 PM »
I bought a new Colossus six months ago but the ball was damaged by the machine.
My bowling alley promise me to buy me a new one,but the one they got here is
pin 4-5 and my damaged one is pin 3.Can anyone tell me the differences and should I take this ball.Thank you!


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Re: Colossus
« Reply #26 on: April 14, 2002, 10:47:26 AM »
on a typical english lane this ball hook to early with to much hook i reccomend you ask about this ball b4 you buy it morich needs to take a tip from storm or ebonit b4 bringing another ball out


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Re: Colossus
« Reply #27 on: April 19, 2002, 08:45:42 PM »
Follow up review

After about 30 games this ball just started to suck really bad.  On medium to heavy oil the ball would hook way too early.  On heavy oil the ball would not find a consistent break point, kept going too long.  I dont know what it is but no coverstock maintence would help.  No polishing would help the medium shot and no sanding would help it on oil.  Different drill patterns wouldnt work either.  It would always skid into the 3 on oil or burn up on lighter heavy oil.  It is now gone.



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Re: Colossus
« Reply #28 on: April 19, 2002, 11:54:01 PM »
NOTE:This review is for the Colossus PEARL, not the solid black. Sorry for any confusion.

I got this ball about a month ago, and I took it in to my local pro shop owner and he put it on the JayHawk ball spinner and found the mass bias. I asked him to drill it to hook across any condition, and it does just that. The pin is about 1" to the right of my ring finger insert. There is no weight hole, I keep it clean and polished at all times and hooks predictably every time. I found that when this ball gets dull it loses its snap and drive. I have used this ball for flooded conditions and sport conditions and it works well, but when its dry you need to put this away. Great ball.


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Re: Colossus
« Reply #29 on: April 27, 2002, 07:34:35 PM »
This is my ball of the year. Got the ball in September and used it all year.  Had it rejuvenated once to get some of the oil out about 2/3 through the season.  Drilled with the max drilling from the Mo-rich drill sheet.  All I can say is awesome kept a 220 average and shot 2 300's 2 -299 and 3 sets over 780.  Ball carries well light, trips 4's high and when it hits flush devastation. Very player friendly.  Highly recommend this one.


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Re: Colossus
« Reply #30 on: May 04, 2002, 03:37:20 PM »
The first time I threw this, it never moved for me
at all. Today, I got a hunch to redrill this ball and
am glad I did. I drilled it differently than the drill
sheet suggests, I have a 4 1/2" x 45 deg. drill pattern
with the weight hole at 5 1/2" on my PAP. Pin is located
4 o'clock from my ring finger just below it. I didn't
know what to expect when I threw this ball with the new drill
since the ball hadn't worked for me before. Went out on
freshly oiled pair of lanes. Stood 25 threw over 15 to about 8
and back. WOW!! Struck the first 4 shots. So then I moved a little
right, 17 to 10 to 6 and 3 in a row. Got me thinking
a little bit. My last couple of shots I was playing around a
little, Stood 40 over 20 to 10 and BOOM...Stood 40 over 25 and BOOM,
Then I went to the extreme outside, straight up playing a little
bender, 10 to 5 to 3 and finished out the 300 game. All I have to say
is I'm glad I went to my hunches and drilled this little secret
up. Hopefully, others can experience what I just have. This ball
will always be in my bag from now on. A 10 out of 10.