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Author Topic: Colossus  (Read 23916 times)


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« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Colossus has a radical new core design which produces more overall hook. It's a ball that revs up sooner while maintaining axis rotation, allowing the ball to continue through the pins. The Gripper EF coverstock's easy adjustability makes it simple to control the amount of hook that you desire. It reacts to lane friction immediately and accurately. It's all the hook you'll ever need.

Aver RG's: 2.526

Differential: 049

Flare Potential: Large

Cover Stock: GriPpeR EF (enhanced friction)

Core Type: MOtion Tuned Free Form

Core Dynamics: Strongly Enhanced Mass Bias

Ball Structure:Single Density Core, Dual Shell

Factory Finish: 500 Compound



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Re: Colossus
« Reply #31 on: May 05, 2002, 11:41:16 AM »
Last winter, I purchased both the black and the pearl Colossus balls by MoRich.  The pearl is drilled label while the black is drilled leverage.  The pearl has great length through the heads and has a surprisingly strong finish at the pins.  The black reacts to the lane a lot earlier than the pearl and explodes the pins.  I use them as a 1 –2 combination.  Rarely do I find a situation where I change to the black.  I just continue to make hand/release adjustments to gain or reduce hook power.  These balls react to my various releases.  In the past I carried 8 balls to league and tournament play.  I now take these two, a plastic spare ball and my Minotaur, leverage.  A nice all round combination of performance.  I grade this series of balls at a 10.


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Re: Colossus
« Reply #32 on: May 07, 2002, 04:15:55 PM »
2nd review of this ball.

Drilled 4 1/2 X 45 deg. pin lower right of ring finger.
This ball is soo strong, that after first game, it leaves
ringing 10 pins all the time no matter what type of moves
I make. 2 and 1, 3 and 1, 3 and 2. Shot 279 first game with
it, second left 5 straight solid 10's and a 1 solid 9 pin. So,
after I got done bowling, I thought I should drill up the
pearlized version, the Colossus Pearl same drill pattern. Second
set out, shot 225 with two solid 10's in the 10th frame of game one.
Not being stubborn, I switched to the pearlized Colossus and this
ball did just the trick. Carried the stubborn 10 out everytime. Shot
2nd and 3rd game 221 and 256 respectively. Great combination for
MoRich and if you get them, you won't be dissapointed.


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Re: Colossus
« Reply #33 on: July 06, 2002, 11:41:07 AM »
colossus pearl - I'm an average speed tweener with decent hand.  I purchased this ball used (only 14lb) drilled to go long.  Lane condition was light oil.  I'm going back tonight to get a fresh oil condition.   Shot a 238 and 258, I don't know who was more surprised me the pro shop operator or my kids.  I felt I had so much controle and the ability to adjust my speed as necessary.  To be fair though the pro shop guy threw my ball and he didn't like it, he didn't have as much hand and wasn't getting near the hit I was.  Will update with more oil.  Second night shot (fresh oil) 187-196-201 I couldn't hit my mark, ball hit great; shot spares all night.


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Re: Colossus
« Reply #34 on: July 27, 2002, 05:31:54 PM »
3 inch pin

2.5 oz top weight

3 3/8 x 3 3/8

small weight hole near my PAP to keep the ball legal.

For starters I have a love/hate relationship with this ball. The ball loves me but I hate it. I was ripping on this ball to some fellow bowlers one night, and a couple days later beat my previous high sanctioned set by close to 70 pins with it.

True it hits very hard, has a very distinct hit to it when you execute properly, and keeps the pins low which of course leads to improved carry.

The main reason I dislike this ball is the amount of over/under I seem to get if I am not 100% consistent in release on anything tighter than a house shot. I can't say I'm surprised too much due to the core design, but I was hoping to be able to use this on heavier tourney shots and after several experiences, I can't say I would recommend this ball for more those type of conditions.

But if you're looking for a ball to really open up an easy shot, this one will be the ultimate cliche.

So far opinions in my area are 50/50. Several people say it's the best modern day ball released, other's say it's a huge flop.

I give it a 6.5.

It's still better than any of the apexs though


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Re: Colossus
« Reply #35 on: August 28, 2002, 10:42:39 PM »
I drilled the Black Colossus before the start of summer league. I have about 40 games under my belt with it on both wood and synthetic. I use it whenever the head oil will permit. No death on this baby yet. It still has a big back end with a pin crushing hit. Honestly it sounds different then other balls when it hits the pins.

Ball Spec's: 16#, 3 1/4 oz top weight, 3-4 inch pin, drilled left hand using the spec's for a high tracker and the max back end spec from Moe's #2 drill sheet.

This ball flat out hooks. The way I have it drilled it's not a down and in ball. I had to shine it up a bit from the box finish because I needed a little more length. The ball glides threw the heads and makes a big move when it hits the break point. Light hits carry great. Flush hits make the pins just disapear. High in the pocket can leave 8's. The ball carries the corner great for me and I have always had trouble with the 7. If I had the cash I'd drill another with the control drilling just to see what it can do.

You will not be disapointed with this ball if it's layed out correct and it's used on the proper lane conditions.


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Re: Colossus
« Reply #36 on: September 26, 2002, 11:11:43 PM »
Got this ball punched up today, 16lbs. 2-3" pin, not sure of top weight. Basically went with the Control drilling from Morich website, low flare. This ball hits harder than anything I have EVER thrown. Trying to play more of an outside line (bout 18mph at the pins, probably 300 rpms) ball got through the oil very well, picking up a heavy roll, then once it hit the dry made a smooth arc to the pocket where it just sent pins flying in and back. Didnt need messengers cause it hit so hard. Once that line started to burn, moved in a couple of boards and still continued to pound the pocket, but did start to leave a lot of 7 pins (house I was in does not carry well inside). After league was over (thank god), went to my home house to throw a few games there. After first game warming up again, buried the pocket for a game either leaving 7's or 9's (lots of carrydown) or flush. Buried the last 5 in that game for a 238. Started the next game a little more inside, ran the first 9, then proceeded to throw a blowout 7-10 on the first ball in the 10th for a great 266 (whatever). All in all this ball is very versatile, currently shined up good for less hook, but will test out the surface more to get different reactions. Will post again after this tournament and sport league next week. Cant wait to get my hands on a Pearl and a Pioneer. Thanks MO!!!


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Re: Colossus
« Reply #37 on: November 15, 2002, 11:38:10 PM »
I bought this ball last spring in the hope of gaining a little more hook . Well the hook is defenitly there and am having a hard time controling it. I am what you call a tweener somewhere between a stroker and cranker. I get plenty of revs playing outside but when I move inside when the lanes start to break down I can't get enough on it to finish. I have a 15# Colossus drilled Half way betwween the first and second drilling instuctions with a counter balance hole just out side of the PAP. I get a bad reaction on carrydown because it tends to roll earlier and hook earlier and that's when I'm forced inside to find the oil and I find the oil then I can't get the extra rev or two to carry. I've polished it several times to try to make it go longer but that has not worked either. If there are any suggestions from others with the same or close to what I'm describing, any and all imput nwould be greatly apprieated.


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Re: Colossus
« Reply #38 on: January 17, 2003, 09:25:58 AM »
Have to put an update down on tis baby after last night's happenings. Ball specs are: 16lbs, 2-3" pin, top weight unknown, drilled with the pin below the ring finger with balance hole. Ball was drilled with the Morich control drilling, getting the ball into a heavy roll in the midlane and continuous backend. A hard arc and hitting power is out of this world. Used this ball a lot recently, after putting it in the bag (was rolling over the thumbhole, and couldnt figure it out). For me, playing around the dry and watch this ball hook and keep hooking after it enters the pocket. Last night, shot 300 with it, every bal was flush, pins did not stand a chance. Carry is excellent when ball gets in the "swish zone", pins fly everywhere. If I get in a little bit, ball leaves a lot of corners, but if I can play the dry with good speed and revs, this ball outhits anything on the market today, yesterday and probably tomorrow. If you dont have one....get one ASAP!


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Re: Colossus
« Reply #39 on: February 09, 2003, 02:12:00 AM »
This ball is 15lb with 2oz top and 1-2 inches of pin.  It is drilled with the pin below the ring finger and a balance hole. I primarily use this ball on long oil(45ft down, 7 to 7 clean backend).  In box condition skidded too far for me so I had it dulled down to 600 grit.  It stills rolls long but makes a nice, controlled arc to the pocket.  Carries very good and is forgiving.  This is a very readable ball.  It isn't a hook monster by any means but it does roll clean through the heads.  This is a very good ball that will probably not get noticed because it isn't manufactured by "The Big 3"(ebonite, storm, and columbia).


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Re: Colossus
« Reply #40 on: April 04, 2003, 08:42:42 AM »
Was this the 2001 ball of the year? If not it should have been.

Just drilled one up last week; got it 2nd hand from a friend and drilled it fairly aggressive for first shift oil.  This is now the #1 ball for my arsenal.  If you read my review of the Columbia Ricochet, I said that the ball hooked too hard/late and hit too hard making the carry unpredictable.  The Black Colossus IMO hits just as hard, if not harder, than the Ricochet yet somehow is able to keep the pins low and carry phenomenally!  I bowl at a house with REALLY soft backends that is known for poor carry and weak hits and this ball cuts through the rack with no problem.

In terms of the overall hook/motion, the ball has a very even and predictable roll and break point (like all my MoRich stuff).  Like my Labryinth the ball gets excellent push through the heads and picks up a very heavy roll but unlike the Labryinth the break point is just a little sharper.  By that I mean it doesn't hook sharply at the break point but the core turns over very sharply, which is probably what gives it that punch at the back.

This ball is great for oil but when the heads start to go I was able to lower my tilt (i.e. throw more of a spinner, lowering my track) and keep it online with no problem.  This is yet another very versatile ball that can handle a wide range of conditions. I like this ball so much that it has officially replaced my Labryinth.  (Read my review of the Labyrinth to see how much I loved that)

To sum up:
- Excellent push thru the heads for a rolling ball
- Ball turns over HARD at the break point but doesn't hook sharply.  It's overall path to the pocket is predictable and fairly even.
- Ball doesn't limit what angle you can play to the pocket
- This is a ball that should last a while, meaning you won't have to put it in the bag after one game from the oil drying up.  For a rolling ball it handles fairly light oil well IMO.
- Guys with a lot of hand might want to stay away from this one. It rolls so hard (rolls not hooks) that IMO it might be too much ball for you power guys.


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Re: Colossus
« Reply #41 on: September 03, 2003, 06:11:11 AM »
Now on my 2nd Colossus (had to drop weight due to injuries), I felt compelled to send in a review.
The 1st was drilled for a sharp break point, and although I liked the ball well enough to get a 2nd one, felt it was more condition specific. Seemed to get through the heads decently (box finish), but without some dry/and or in carry down, it just didn't have the "pop" on the beack-end I was hoping for. On fresh shots it was fantastic.
Now I have the 2nd drilled with the control drilling, and WOW. It is a fantastic ball for many conditions. Still box finish, but now a smoother controlled arc, and still maintains power at the pin deck. All that is needed now is a good bowler throwing it

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Re: Colossus
« Reply #42 on: December 10, 2003, 01:53:12 AM »
This ball is amazing. Mine is a blem, with the CG about 2" right of the pin-mass bias line. 15#, drilled with a variant of the "sharp breakpoint" layout for medium trackers described on the MoRich drill sheet. And with a good bit of Black Magic polish. This drill is similar to rev leverage, getting the ball to roll very early and get into a smooth arc. The polish gets it down the lane, and as soon as it hits dry, it's rolling and arcing. And crushing pins. This aptly named beastie makes a very distinctive sound when it hits. Pins fly. Jaws drop. Really. With this layout, this ball is extremely predictable, and very versatile. This has become the first ball out of my bag. Most nights, it's all that comes out of my bag.

This ball carries a lot of things it shouldn't. The pins have almost no chance on a pocket hit, and I feel that the bad hits haven't been nearly so bad. I seem to get off light with my mistakes, breaking up a lot of splits and getting 9 when I expected 7 or 8. If this keeps up, this could be my all-time favorite ball.

Added 6/5/2007:

After a few more sessions, this ball lost a lot of power. I have never been able to restore it to its former glory. It was good for a couple of months, and now is little more than a paperweight.
The truth is out there somewhere. And it looks a lot better through the bottom of an empty pint glass.


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Re: Colossus
« Reply #43 on: January 29, 2004, 05:58:32 PM »
After rolling an outdated Columbia 300 "U-Dot", I decided to get a new ball.  My local pro recommended the Colossus based on my game and what I wanted my ball to do.  I picked up a 16lb ball and had him drill it based on his recommendation.  I don't know all that "pin" jargon, so I cannot say exactly how it's drilled.  I also have not changed the "out of box" surface condition.  My average is around 180.  I have had the Colossus for about 1.5 months now.  After dealing with some initial thumb-hole problems, I am rolling the ball well.  Since getting this ball, I have rolled some of my best games ever.  My best games are now in the 230-250 range, where they were in the 200-225 range.  This ball destroys pins when it hits the pocket!  It simply carries more pins on a pocket hit.  I used to leave several 10 pins per game.  Now its more like one per game. Even not-so-perfect shots seem to leave less pins standing. The ball does produce a different, more thud-like sound when it hits the pins, but the result is in the pin fall!  So far, I am very pleased with this ball and have no regrets in selecting it!

Tons of Fun73

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Re: Colossus
« Reply #44 on: June 17, 2004, 11:50:54 PM »
My favorite ball of all time. Not to sure on the sapn or pin placement. Drilled right handed and is 15#. Got the ball used from my pro shop guy and he said he shot 300 with it. My best game with it is 236 and shot 621 with it. Best lane condition for it is medium to heay oilwhen dull. But shine it up it is good drier lanes, too. So if you are looking for a ball to use on all kinds of lane conditions, than this is the ball you want.


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Re: Colossus
« Reply #45 on: February 21, 2005, 11:20:21 AM »
great ball 3 300 290 298 in one year go to  last johnson