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Author Topic: DestroyR  (Read 11823 times)


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« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: 100.00
- All new Hybrid Super-Trac cover 
Color: Copper/Black 
- .016' intermediate diff., .050" total diff UNIQUE core 
- 2.516" minimum RG to retain energy until the break point 
- Versatile, very aggressive hybrid Super-Trac cover will work on all conditions, including the oiliest and most demanding oil patterns, simply by adjusting the surface 
- Great drilling versatility, as always, from the higher diff. version of the UNIQUE core 
- Factory surface of 500/2000 for more traction 
- Use duller surfaces on DestroyR for the most hook you've ever seen 
- DestroyR's total versatility allows it to work for any style of bowler on any lane condition by choosing the right layout and the right surface



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Re: DestroyR
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2011, 05:10:15 PM »


The most versatile and best carrying ball I’ve ever used.

The DestroyR has been in my bag for a couple of months: Enough time to use it on a variety of conditions and surfaces. Over time, each ball used makes a statement to the bowler. “I’m a specialist” or “I’m versatile. “I like oil” or “I’m partial to lighter conditions.” The DestroyR is no exception. After a hundred games on HPL, SPL, Anvilane, ProAnvilane, Lane Shield, and, yes, one older wood surface, two primary impressions have been made. (1) The DestroyR is the most versatile ball I’ve used and (2) the DestroyR is the best carrying ball I’ve used.

The versatility is due to an excellent core to cover match and a cover that is useful over a wide range of surface preparations. Surface changes result in an almost chameleon-like change in character of the ball. With well thought-out and executed surface changes, most quality balls are useful over a moderate range of conditions. The DestroyR (and the RipR before it) take versatility to another level in being useful on practically any condition from moderately light to heavy conditioner volumes and short to long conditioner patterns. The DestroyR at P500-grit is as responsive as the best oilers available; particle, chemically-enhanced reactive solids, hybrids, pearls, whatever. The DestroyR plays along with the VG Nano on heavy conditions but stays out of the bag and on the lane longer as the lanes transition. I also found the DestroyR to be very adaptable to surface changes. 1000-grit, 2000-grit, 2500-grit, 3000-grit and 4000-grit surfaces made the DestroyR useable on medium to light-medium patterns: Excellent length and recovery without being squirty at the second transition. At P1000 and P2000-grits, where I normally use the DestroyR, the ball gets down the lane well, hooking up in the midlane and making a pronounced back-end move: Certainly not a hockey-stick reaction but not your typical continuous curve reaction typical of the most aggressive balls.

Best carrying? I record all of my games on a Palm T/X using Frames software. My average pocket carry over ~4000 games is 72%. The pocket carry of my DestroyR is 78% to date: about 2 strikes more than my average in a 3-game set. Carry is enhanced by the ball surface to lane surface match and the bowler choosing a good line for proper pocket entry angle and location. Of the 20 or so balls I’ve used in the past five years, only LM/Legends “The New Standard” comes close at 76%. The rest of my Mo Pinel -recommended dual angle layout MoRich equipment is in the 70% to 73% pocket carry range. My earlier balls and layouts that were not matched to my tilt, rotation, revolutions and speed are in the 61% to 73% range. Proper layout, surface match, core characteristics and line selection are all important to carry. For me, this ball is demonstrably better scoring than any ball that I’ve rolled to date.

I am a 210 to 225 average bowler on house conditions; upper 190’s on sport and other demanding conditions. My overall average, THS and sport is 209. I am a high tilt, slightly speed dominate player: 19 degrees of tilt, 45 to 70 degrees of rotation, 285 to 330 rpm, 18 mph at release (15.5 to 16 mph down lane). I prefer to play outside of the track area but can play the track and inside the track when conditions dictate.

My DestroyR was 15.3 lbs with 2.3 oz top weight out of the box with a 2” pin. It is drilled 50-degrees x 4” x 35 degrees (4” x 3 1/8”) with a position 3 gradient line balance hole. The DestroyR’s “Unique” core is similar to the RipR. The intermediate differential out-of-the box is 0.016 versus the RipR’s 0.013. The low RG is 2.516 versus the RipR’s 2.545 and the differential RG is 0.050 versus the RipR’s 0.042. The DestroyR features a hybrid level 5 super-coverstock in comparison to the RipR’s pearl level 4 super-coverstock. Looking at the specs, the DestroyR should be a little stronger and earlier than the RipR with equal layouts and dynamics. As part of an arsenal, the DestroyR and RipR work well together. Currently, I keep my DestroyR at P1000-grit and the RipR at P2500-grit; an excellent transition from the DestroyR to the RipR when needed. My DestroyR is usually 2 to 4 boards stronger than my RipR and 5 to 8 boards stronger than my Perpetual Motion.

My favorite surfaces on ProAnvilane range from P500 to P2000 with P1000 optimum. On older Anvilane, the range is P1000 to P3000 with P2000 optimum. On SPL’s, I like P500/2000 to P4000 with P2000 optimum. On older HPLs, I like P500/2000 to P4000 with P2500 optimum. On Lane Shield, I usually go with my Perpetual Motion or Mojave. The DestroyR is playable early at P2000 to P4000 with P4000 optimum. On wood, I like P2000 with Rough Buff to P4000 with or without Rough Buff with P3000 with Rough Buff optimum. My best matches overall were on ProAnvilane and other hard synthetic lane surfaces. My RipR, as laid out and surfaced, and symmetrical/near-symmetrical balls are preferred on softer lane surfaces.

The DestroyR and the Perpetual Motion (or Mojave) would make an excellent two-ball arsenal. I’d add a RipR for a 3-ball bag, and an Aggressive Motion for a 4-ball bag.

Here’s my current 6-ball bag:

mania: 25x4x25, P500 (great heavy/long condition specialist as laid out and surfaced)

DestroyR: 50x4x35, P3, P1000 (versatile on hard synthetics)

Aggressive Motion: 60x3.5x30,P2.5,P500/P2000 (different shot shape than the asymmetrics)

RipR: 45x4.5x40, P3, P2500 (versatile on softer synthetics)

Mojave: 60x4.75x50, no hole, P4000 (good choice on worn synthetics, overlays and wood)

MoRich Spare: label negative, no hole, P4000 (excellent spare ball)

Add for 8-ball tournament bag:

Perpetual Motion: 60x3.5x30, no hole, P3000 (different shot shape on aggressive lane finishes)

Frenzy: 45x4.5x50, P3, P4000 (great on Cheetah and light-mediums to mediums)


Edited on 9/17/2011 at 3:12 PM

Matt C

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Re: DestroyR
« Reply #2 on: October 19, 2011, 09:15:31 AM »

Length: long   


Volume: Heavy 1 house,  lighter in another

Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):THS



Likes: I was able to meet Mo Pinel in person in Parkersburg WV a few weeks ago. 

Find another bowling ball Mfg. that takes time to evaluate your game and drill a ball for you..  you wont find one. 

 Not only that, for the last 7 years I have had horrid pain in my hand while bowling. Mo saw that my spans and pitches were completly wrong, and now for the last 12 games I am totaly pain free and enjoying the sport again. 


That said on to the ball


Since i wanted this ball for the heavy oil house we used the Double Thumb drilling.  What I got was a ball that gets down the lane and makes a nice continous turn to the pocket.  Carry is excellent.  Very versatile ball, can get inside and turn it or move right a square up.


What suprised me the most was is my 2nd league is in a notoriously dry house.  was able to bump inside and have a productive night.


Not to advertise another site, but I have learned so much by visting Mo's site

its worth a visit by anyone.. and mabye Mo will be in a center near you and i would suggest you go see him.


Dislikes: not a thing...






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