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Author Topic: Labyrinth  (Read 15929 times)


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« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: Not Available has the largest selection of bowling balls
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With its tapered core revs up easily, producing true midlane reaction. The GriPpeR coverstock is a dual action cover which rolls like a particle ball when smooth or dull and like a reactive ball when shined, so the overall hook of the labyrinth is easily adjusted. Just change the surface, and then finish off the pins. Aver RG's: 2.514; Differential .047; Flare Potential: Large Gripper (particle reactive); Coverstock: Motion tuned free form; Core Type: Strongly Enhanced Mass; Core Dynamics: Bias; Ball Structure: Single Density Core, Dual Shell


Jack Jurek

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Re: Labyrinth
« Reply #1 on: April 06, 2001, 01:12:40 AM »
I have had the opportunity to try 4 different Labyrinth balls.  I find this ball to be extremely versatile.  The coverstock is very easy to tweak to your style.  Great midlane reaction with a controlable break.  The different drill patterns do make for different motions.  My only regret is the MoRich is not currently planning on registering this ball with the PBA.



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Re: Labyrinth
« Reply #2 on: April 07, 2001, 05:16:24 PM »
MoRich Labyrinth-

Ball info- 16#, CG to Pin is 2 7/8”

Drilling(RH)- Pin 3 5/8” from axis (Pap is located 5 7/8” >5/8” ^) below and right of the ring finger, CG is 4 1/2” from axis located 1” down and 3/4” right of the center of grip. With a 13/16th “ hole, 2 1/4” deep about 3 5/8” below the pap.

Misc. Info-Discovered after bowling a few times that this was not the best layout for me. Do to my high track the pin placement caused the ball to flare over the finger holes . The bow tie of the track was almost right in the middle finger hole( And trying to very my release did not help.), so the hole was added to try and adjust it some. This helped somewhat, the bow tie point has moved away from the finger hole. Also this has given some better separation of the track flare lines. They were very very tight together at first, but now they are not quite as tight together. So for high track bowlers be very careful of pin placements. Make sure to check the drill sheet carefully.

Cover stock texture-heavy scuffed , light scuffed.

Lanes/conditions- Brunswick Pro Anvil, Approx Heads 20units 8 to 8 and 17units at 2 board(left side was 11units) pattern going to 41ft.

Lane play- Between 8 to 15 boards at the arrows, with it breaking  anywhere from 5 to the10 board depending on the conditions at the time

Review-The Labyrinth appears to be a good first ball for the MoRich company.It has a good tweak able cover stock so you can adjust it for different conditions. Polished it can handle some of the drying medium conditions, depending on bowler type ( My high track, lots roll style cant quite make it on the dry shots. Thats were I get into trouble.). But is better suited for the mediums to somewhat wetter conditions, with a dull texture on it. A good mid lane reaction for when you need some earlier movement, like wet shots or carrydown conditions. Some one with better speed and ball rotation should find this a good and versatile ball for use on a wider range of conditions than I.
Click For My Grip


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Re: Labyrinth
« Reply #3 on: May 01, 2001, 02:34:37 PM »
Our expectations of the Labrynth may have been too high, we really expected to find this ball unique and when we didn't we felt a bit disappointed.  We want to be clear about this before we get to the review.  We like this ball and are sure that it is worth having for any player who needs (likes) any ball with a versatile shell that can be used on conditions from medium-dry to medium-oil.  Our tests were restricted to only one ball and we used a pattern that did not appear on the drilling instructions.  We didn't get the results we wanted from this ball but we take full blame for this, due to a poor choice of drill pattern.

  The ball we used was a pin 1" in and was layed out with the pin and c.g. 2 5/16" from the p.a.p.  The shell was tested with several textures but initially was wet sanded to 1500 and polished to a high gloss with 5000 grit squeaky clean.  Our tests were done on synthetic lanes with 35 ft. of oil with spotty carry down.  Our tester throws 18-21 revs at 17 mph and is has low tilt with medium axis of rotation.(30-45 deg)  The ball got down the lane in good shape but laboured to make the turn and wasn't carrying the corners.  When we tried getting lined up by moving right we found the ball, when sent into the dry started up too soon and when pulled into the oil skated too far.  We then took the shell down with a burgandy Scotch Brite pad with the intention of trying it on heavier oil.  On the longer conditions we had a better reaction but the ball still looked as though it was quiting on the back end.  We really were wishing we had drilled a longer pin to p.a.p. when we saw the ball behaving this way.  We were getting early roll because of the short pin to p.a.p. and with the flare at about 3" we just didn't feel 'matched up'.  We then polished the shell again and tried it on the fresh house shot which is wet with clean back ends.  This was the combination we were looking for.  The Labrynth really was able to flex it's muscles here.  The ball got out to the break point as before but made a fairly sharp break towards the pocket and hit with all the power anyone could ever need.

  It seems as though with most of the balls we review, it's just a matter of getting matched up.(shell/condition/player)  We only drilled on of these and if we had the chance to try again we would have stuck to the suggested patterns and a longer pin to p.a.p.  Again, we really liked the ball once we got the right shell matched to the right condition.  Don't hesitate to purchase one of these if you get the chance!

  If you have any questions regarding this or any other review, e-mail us at:


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Re: Labyrinth
« Reply #4 on: August 15, 2001, 08:15:03 PM »
Joined a sport bowling summer league and needless to say it has been challenging. Finished the last two weeks of the season with this ball. It was a second line ball that my son gave me to try. I have since purchased two more.

In the heavy oil this ball stayed with the assault. Hooked the same, hit the same but much easier to control then the assualt. This ball opened up both the lane and the pocket. Never have I had such a wide pocket with such carry.

It has been interesting to watch the surface change with the games bowled and the corresponding reaction. It is now tame enough to handle the bumper bowl house shot. Looking forward to working with the two new balls in a traveling league. This ball is a winner.

I am a medium speed stroker with a 207 average on the house shot and a 190 on the sport shot.


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Re: Labyrinth
« Reply #5 on: September 22, 2001, 10:47:18 PM »
Drilled 4 x 4 no hole 3 to 2 ratio

Mixed results with this one.
Above avg hook out of box but that did last long
(maybe 35 games)
Coverstock death set in.

I tried to polish it with a high diamond gloss.
Dont do this unless you are Rudy Revs or throw molasses.

It turned out to be an expensive spare ball.
The specs say dull 'particle reaction and polished
is reactive' (not true)

Overall not one of my personal favorites
Pretty similar results had by 2 others using Labyrinth also


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Re: Labyrinth
« Reply #6 on: March 20, 2002, 03:36:17 PM »
This is the best ball I have ever rolls very hard and hits even harder. This ball carries like no ball I have ever thrown and its recovery is rediculous!!! After reading the other posts it kind of makes me wonder if some people aren't getting this ball drilled correctly or if I just got lucky somehow.In response to a review I just read...if you leave a 5 pin standing I'm sure its not the balls fault!! This ball has about 50-60 games on it and I see no signs of coverstock death setting in.....  It deserves a 10

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Re: Labyrinth
« Reply #7 on: May 30, 2002, 10:10:53 AM »
My specs, pap 5" over 3/4" up, speed 18.5, revs 18, and axis of rotation 50 degrees. The ball weighed 15 with 3oz top weight and was drilled with the sharp breakpoint. I purhased this ball at the proshop on the cheap ($110) I heard good things about this ball and thought I could not lose. I bowled on a typical house codition and the ball delivers, strong move at about 40 ft and good carry. This ball is very versitile, (by no means is this an oil ball) handles all mediums very well reads, reads the midlanes and sands and polishes easily. Labyrinth seems to work better whem dull than polished, by dull I mean about 800 grit, Trizact does an excellent job on this ball and I recommend it. Morich seems to get snub by many bowlers and I do not see why, if bowlers would just give it a try and not pay attention to the name they will be pleased.


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Re: Labyrinth
« Reply #8 on: October 28, 2002, 12:11:19 AM »
What can i say but WOW!!!!  I used to be a hardcore Ebonite lover but not anymore.
This ball outhooks my adrenaline by a mile.  This ball was 15lbs. 3ozs. with a 3oz top weight.
This is drilled super stacked leverage(pin is up and way off to the left of ring finger and MB is right
below.  Dull this ball reacts nice and smooth with a continuing arc type of hook.  Polished this ball goes long and snaps
hard.  Both work well, and either way you go they both hit hard.(so hard the four pin goes up into the deck then
falls on the ground)  I've probably put 45 games on it and so far so good, no signs of slowing down.  Only problem i
I have with this ball is that sometimes it hits a little to hard leaving 8's and 9's.  I'm lefthanded, tweener, and average
196 and 210.  Overall I give this ball a 20 out of 10.  I'm now fully converted over to Mo-Rich.


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Re: Labyrinth
« Reply #9 on: December 23, 2002, 09:18:29 PM »
Ball is overall a nice ball.  It has a consistent mid-lane reaction.  I like it, only because it's the only ball i have at the moment for wet lanes.  It might have died, but i have never really gotten that great of a hit out of it.  It just doesn't seem to be aggressive enough for me.  I want a ball that has a good backend reaction, this ball doesn't really provide that for my style of bowling.  I am sorta a tweener, with medium revs.  I don't know why, but this has never been an agressive enough ball for me.  It worked when others didn't... consistent.  Probably great for a newer person to bowling.

I admit i used it half the time when i shot my high series of 730... i had to use it on one lane, and i used my other ball on the other lane.  

I like this ball, because i know where it is gonna go, doesn't seem to drive through the pocket after a while... (I've had ball 1 year)

Overall, good buy, i must need to tweak the ball or something.

opening up a lane? nah... Down and In Baby...


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Re: Labyrinth
« Reply #10 on: January 28, 2003, 02:08:02 AM »
This ball gives me a very interesting reaction that I'm simply in awe of.

This ball is without a doubt one of the hardest rolling balls I've thrown and once this ball grabs it keeps moving hard toward the pocket without roll-out, much like my Minotaur with 2 exceptions:

1) The breakpoint is much smoother and easier to read whereas the Minotaur tends to flip harder before it moves

2) For a rolling ball this bad boy gets EXCELLENT push through the heads.  This ball goes down a ways before it makes it move and stores energy extremely well whereas the Minotaur stands up early.

It's funny... you'd think the ball with the sharper breakpoint would go long while the rolling ball would break early but with the Labyrinth and the Minotaur it's the exact opposite.

The Labyrinth is giving me such a great reaction that it is the first ball out my bag.  I now only use the Minotaur if there's too much oil for the Labyrinth to  come in at the proper entry angle

To summarize on this great ball:
- Gets excellent push thru the heads
- Rolls hard but doesn't overreact or roll out
- Works well for most conditions except heavy oil where it'll skid too long
- IMO works better polished as it stood up really early in box condition

Beyond a shadow of a doubt one of the most versatile balls I've ever seen.  A-plus!


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Re: Labyrinth
« Reply #11 on: December 14, 2003, 10:44:30 PM »
great ball mo you done it agean a lot of back end power 5 - 700 in to weeks


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Re: Labyrinth
« Reply #12 on: May 06, 2004, 02:26:48 PM »
My first Morich ball Had it drilled yesterday. Very forgiving.  I had it drilled out with a 10:30 MB Pin under pin under ring finger. Finger weight and a balance hole right on my pap. This ball crushes the pins. One toss I had a 2-8-10 standing and a phanton pin sliced the 2-8 and took out the 10 then bounced back into the out of reach of the sweep. The ball just kept finding ways in to the pocket. I strung 7 left a 9 strung 5 left a 9, strung 5 more left a 9. After a few warmups I stood 25 threw at 13(@ arrows) out to 8. wnet out to 4 once and it still made it back. Thats when I took out the 2-8-10 with a messenger. I cannot wait to get this out for our singles sweeper tonight. I will for sure be in the pot game tonight. Will post back on results. I think I have finally found a ball with capabilities my old red pulse had. It died this year and I have been holding on too it because it was still #3 in my arsenal. With this Labyrynth it no longer has room in my bag. I will give it a moment of silence before bowling tonight. lol any way I am sold on Morich will be purchasing more of their balls for sure. I will give a more in depth review after this evenning.


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Re: Labyrinth
« Reply #13 on: June 02, 2004, 01:49:52 AM »
I absolutely love this ball!! i have had it for about 4 months now and it is still the first ball out of my bag. Since then i have bought the mayhem onslaught and colossus and still none match up to my labyrinth. It has the smoothest roll down the lane, and it always comes back. I have used this on sport condidtions and regular house conditions. I am hoping to have four of these bad boys drilled up in the near future. It is the best lane reading ball i have ever seen.

excellent ball Mo


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Re: Labyrinth
« Reply #14 on: October 07, 2004, 02:31:26 AM »
This is a follow up from last year. Did not bowl at all since last May. The shot last year was a around 10 board. This year it is almost straight up the boards, down and in. I have not shot under 6 with this ball. It move and grooves into the pocket. An occasional 10 pin, but mostly poor execution. Either I take some off the ball or I am not properly aligned at the foul line. My average last year was 191.8. This year it is well over 210. The only flaw I can see is it is easily marred. Have to clean after each week and polish a bit. Would recommend this ball to any intermediate and above bowler. These guys know how to build a bowling ball. My next addition to my bag will be the Total Annihilation. MoRich All the way. You guys rock!!! Keep up the great work and thank you for helping my game approach the next level. Btw My average last year was 18th in league, currently I am in top 5. Again thank you!!!