Ok here is what I seen,
all I can say is, this ball is just (in-sane)
MB was layed out behind the thumb
pin next to ring finger all most like the control lay out on mo's sheet.
stayed with this ball all 3 games
just to see what happen when the lanes dry out
8 bowlers on the pair.
early shift
only shot 670
With this in mind I have many ballS by Mo 2/TA. WMB. TSA. 2/AR. SA. SAH.
The N'Sane is Mo's best ball to date and the bench mark of any ball to beat or match
Sunday night I was making slow moves just to see how the ball would make the turn on the backend, next time I will be making bigger moves.
At least from what I seen this ball needs oil. when the lanes breaks down I had to move in more and keep it in the oil
Started in at 13-14 @15' out to 8 about 45' feet
what a turn this ball makes on the back end,
It has very good length with a very fast turn to the backend.
I never had a ball that goes, That long and make a hard turn left so quickly.
I did learned that all you need to do is get the ball started. If I tried to get on the ball it started up to quick. leaving a 4 pin or even an 8 pin
this ball will do all the work just give it room
not to much hand is required. The stamp on the side of the ball tells it all ez rev.
IS WHAT IS SAYS Radical. Dynamic, eXplosive backend ever seen in the bowling world.
Mo has a N'Sane ball that has the LevRG
that will be hard to match. this is one of his best balls to date.
The flyer talks about strongest core in history of bowling. strongest backend ball in the history of bowling.
It just makes me think how much better can mo can make other balls to come. it can only be a Total N'Sane hooking ball.
you have to be N'Sane not to get one.