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Author Topic: Ravage  (Read 15148 times)


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« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Designed to increase length while retaining energy longer, increasing the rev rate at the breakpoint, producing a mind boggling entry angle, resulting in amazing pin carry and scoring potential on drier lane conditions.  With this newest addition to the MoRich line, bowler's world wide will soon be ravaging the competition!  Check back for more information to be released shortly!



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Re: Ravage
« Reply #16 on: June 28, 2005, 04:13:09 PM »
I got this ball from Rock77 (Great transaction btw), and discovered shortly thereafter that he and I only had 1/16th of an inch of difference between each others' spans. So after changing grips, and opening up the thumb hole a little bit, I had an all new ball to play with.

I must say that this is THE most versatile ball that has ever come off my hand. I can do anything with this. I switched pairs between every two games last night (they like me at my bowling alley), and every pair was oiled differently. On one pair I was throwing straight up the twig. On one pair I was playing 15, out to 2. (I felt like freaking Amleto Monacelli when I did that). I even got eleven in a row with this ball, and proceeded to gutter the last ball of the tenth frame for a 290.

Buy it. I swear you won't regret it.


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Re: Ravage
« Reply #17 on: July 20, 2005, 12:11:06 AM »
When I first used the Ravage, I was in a slump (shoulder pain/extension problems) and was not stroking my shot at all. I put it down trying to build my confidence back with more familiar equipment. Last month, my shoulder pain started healing so I pulled it back out. I was on a fresh condition but it was humid and the lanes were a bit unpredictable. I reverted back to my really old line... up the 7-8 board with my hand more up the back of the ball (high track, 15 mph)... WOW...

Had my first mid-600 in a while with all games within 10 pins of each other. The Ravage stayed nice and calm up the boards until it hit the pines, then started a strong arc move to the pocket... clearing the rack very nicely... with a loud crack I did not hear when trying it before. No doubt, my stroke was coming back (went from 204 to 189 in 15-20 weeks) but the ease with which I was able to get to the pocket was incredible. It did not see to react as well to side-spin on the fresh conditions... so I stayed "up the back." I look forward to continuing my comeback with it and my Raging Red Fuze (new last year, even though it is an ancient ball)... the two that seem to be the most forgiving right now... confidence IS the key!

The SuperHitMan

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Re: Ravage
« Reply #18 on: September 02, 2005, 02:33:10 PM »
Got this ball from fellow BR member PGPelton fully plugged 1st drill. Gave it it DP3 tp punch up and he's done it once again, I don't know who to thank MOpinel for making it or DP3 for drilling it.  I'm no artist but the layout is

                   O      0      P               P-pin
                                                                                                                   WH           WH-wieghthole

Made to cut a corner just not a serious corner like DP said, and He was right. However the hit is the equivalent of Katrina and thats what I like. Smooth and controllable and responds well to speed adjustments.  Seems most happy when the lanes are med dry, all in all Good Ball
Opponent: What makes you think you can beat me?

K.C.: Cause I don't doubt my skill

Opponent: And you doubt mine?

K.C.: Didn't say that


K.C.: Lets fight
K.C. White II
Motiv Staffer
MotivNation will take a nation to stop.

Bowling is about what the bowler believes it to be, so what is bowling to you friend?


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Re: Ravage
« Reply #19 on: March 02, 2006, 06:52:49 PM »
I bought a new Ravage off ebay, 16 lb. The ball was drilled with the 3 3/8" pin sharp breakpoint drilling off the sheet. I used it on a fresh THS, on synthetics, and this is a very strong ball. It probably has the most aggressive backend of any ball I have used with this drilling. This ball tends to leave solid 8's, 9's, and splits because it flips soo hard and at such an extreme angle. I was told to take the shine off and go with a 2000 matte finish to tame it a little, but I'm going to try and learn to control it better first and see if I can't learn something. This is definitely a ball that will take some experience to use correctly, but I think it will be a potent weapon once I learn all the nuances about it.


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Re: Ravage
« Reply #20 on: April 24, 2006, 12:05:03 PM »
i am a cranker and i throw about 20-22mph and i have a hard time bowling on synthetic lanes no matter what i tried i cant get the ball to react.then i bought a ravage.i had it drilled to go long and hook late and it does.when the ball hits the break point it turns up.also the ball is very versitile and i can play multiple lines with it.i am very impressed with the ball.if you want something that will hook on a budget i highly recommend it.


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Re: Ravage
« Reply #21 on: June 18, 2008, 11:29:48 AM »
I just received a used Morich Ravage from a guy that I bowl with and I have just had it redrilled. I have it drilled to go very long with a strong continuos back-end reaction. This ball fits my game perfectly. I throw very hard and very straight (kind of like pro bowler, Eugene McCune) this ball hits like truck. The pins do not have a chance. My bowling center just installed brand new synthetic lanes and approaches and I had been struggling with my other equipment. So I aquired this ball and an Ebonite Total NV. These two balls give me a great one-two punch on the new lanes. This ball works very well on carry-down and is usually the second ball out of my bag!
<font face='Comic Sans MS'></font id='Comic Sans MS'> Mr. 298
Natty Boh Bowling!

scotty woo

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Re: Ravage
« Reply #22 on: July 19, 2008, 12:45:48 AM »
love this ball, i got a used one from a co-worker of mine for 20 bucks and another ball that i canr use anymore, he let me throw it one day for fun, and i busted out a 277 for the first time thowing it. it has alot of power in the back end, and reacts the same when theres carry down, but i tend to leave more pocket 7-10's with it
all hail the bowling god sakaguea