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Author Topic: Total Shock & Awe  (Read 16292 times)


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Total Shock & Awe
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: Not Available
Core Type: Modified Vanguard
Coverstock: C4 Enhanced Reactivated - Super Aggressive Reactive
Factory Finish: 400 Matte
Flare Potential: Large
Differential: .054 (Medium-High) on a scale of .000-.080 Low-High Flare
RG: 2.509 (Low) on a scale of 2.43-2.8 Very low-High Break Point
Color: Burgundy Marble



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Re: Total Shock & Awe
« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2005, 02:21:16 PM »
Bowler Information:
Track diameter is 10.25”.
PAP is measured at 5.5” over and 0” up/down.
Average ball speed (foul line to head pin) is 17 mph.
Axis rotation is typically 45 degrees
Initial rev rate is typically 350 rpm

My Total Shock & Awe is drilled  5.0"x5.5", 1.5"up. No x-tra hole used and 60 degree spin time post drilling was recorded at 5.71 seconds.

This ball is simply amazing. The first time I used it I was shocked at both the amount of total hook and continuation through the pins. I initially rolled the ball with the box surface on a THS and found myself playing deeper on the lane than any other ball I've ever owned. Even though the ball worked great with the box surface I decided to apply Brunswicks Rough Buff to the TSA to bring the surface closer to what I have on my Shock & Awe. This gave me a more gradual adjustment between the two balls but the TSA still outhooks my S&A and has a earlier and smoother move (both balls have similar layouts) with the same strong continuation through the pins and fabulous carry. I've used the ball on various conditions and lane surfaces and altered the coverstock up and down to match those conditions. In every case the ball reacted like a champ, it is definitely a winner.

Gene J Kanak

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Re: Total Shock & Awe
« Reply #2 on: October 01, 2005, 01:56:30 AM »
specs: 15lbs, 2 oz. 3.5 oz top
Drilling: sharp break point for a high track player
Box finish

This is one of the few hook-in-a-box balls that is every bit as strong as advertised. I don't know exactly what this coverstock consists of, but it grabs more quickly than any reactive ball that I've ever had. I haven't put very many games on this one yet, but that is because the ball is what it is supposed to be: a heavy oil monster. It grabs more quickly and offers more hook than my GP2 on the same conditions. The GP2 will be better for playing the lanes on a flood, but the Total S & A will simply dominate on a heavier pattern where you want to swing the lane. My only caveat is for slower speed or very high rev players: use this ball on a flood or polish the hell out of it. If you don't, the ball will burn up 3 feet onto the lane. On the other hand, if you have higher speed, lower revs or just want a ball that will offer you solid hook in truly heavy soup, this ball will be perfect for you. Thumbs up to MoRich on this one. This is my first Mo ball and I am thoroughly impressed.  

I can't bowl 300, but I can bench 345 : )
 I provide the muscle for the Fellowship of the Saws  


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Re: Total Shock & Awe
« Reply #3 on: October 02, 2005, 09:27:25 AM »
Drilled two of these... one is a 5" pin, 2 3/4" MB, 3 1/2 up.  This ball is surfaced with a grey scotchbrite.  I have used it on a variety of conditions and it is clearly a keeper.  It doesn't hook a thousand boards but it is a very easy ball through the front with a heavy rolling, sweeping recovery and awesome mix at the pins.  It is not flippy.  It is not good when thrown naked to the beach.  This ball gives me a bit earlier look than my TA with a little more arc, and matches up very well on a couple of the PBA patterns.  

The second is a 3 3/8 pin, 6 3/4 MB, and 1 1/2 up.  This ball flares the entire cover and is wetsanded at 600.  This one produces alot more recovery at the breakpoint than the first, and is surfaced to be the first ball out of the bag on long sports, PBA #4, etc.  When I have enough oil to keep this in play, it is an incredible piece of equipment, opening up even the slightest bit of friction in a heavy pattern.

Thanks Freddie for the layouts.  

My specs are 16-17mph, 350rpm, 30 degrees tilt, 10-12 degrees axis rotation.


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Re: Total Shock & Awe
« Reply #4 on: October 04, 2005, 03:28:05 PM »
Bowler Information:
17.5-18.0 mph
Medium Revs
Low Track

Ball Drilling:
4" pin
Mid-Lane Roll Drilling (MoRich)

Typical Line to the Pocket:
Straight up first arrow or slight point to the pocket

Ball Summary:
Surprisingly strong, controllable movement with back end pop.  Easy to make adjustments with, and nearly impossible to throw through the break point.

I had my 4" pin TSA drilled for aggressive mid-lane roll (MoRich drilling) and left it in the in-box condition.  This, theoretically, would allow the ball to start moving earlier, but the 4" pin would still create very good back end movement.  I essentially wanted the TSA to react just like my Storm XXX Extreme, but on an oilier pattern.  This drilling and pin combination did exactly that.

Overall, I am very impressed with the total movement and the shape of the movement of this ball.  It reads the lane early, even on heavy oil, and then also reads the back end.  I have found it almost impossible to throw this ball through the breakpoint, even with my high speed and low track.  Textbook adjustments are very effective with this ball—there are no surprises here.  You can start with this ball on a fresh shot, and keep using it through all three games of league as long as you can keep moving left to find some head oil.

The biggest advantage of this ball over the Total Annihilation (read my other review) is that the TSA reads the back end of the lane much better than the TA.  Where the TA seems to quit, the TSA just keeps charging.  In my opinion, this is a much stronger ball than the TA—hands down.

Carry is also relatively good.  I seem to enter the pocket at a slightly better angle than with other aggressive balls because of the back-end movement, which generally leads to fewer 10-pin leaves.

After about 20 games on this ball, I (and my teammates) remain quite impressed.  Nice job, MoRich!


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Re: Total Shock & Awe
« Reply #5 on: October 04, 2005, 07:37:33 PM »
This ball is awesome!!!  i waxed it up right out of the box, then took a grey scotch brite to it to take most of the wax off.  I placed the pin under my fingers slightly left of the center of my grip (I am right handed like all true bowlers)  This had the pin 5 1/2 inches from my PAP taming down the flare.  The cg is down and right of the center of my grip about an inch and a half at a 45 degree angle.  I threw the ball like this and still found too much flare (big flip when missing inside even on house pattern)  I placed an extra hole 4 1/2 inches from the center of my span down even with the thumb (once again to decrease the flare)  This gave me a very strong roll with hold when missing inside.  This ball rolls so sweet and carries like a truck.  The surface adjusts very easily to match up to different conditions (The house I bowl have medium to heavy conditions) Aside from the "pink piece of charcoal" comments, this ball is AWEsome!
Everyone get all the breaks but me.  I earn every pin I get.

The SuperHitMan

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Re: Total Shock & Awe
« Reply #6 on: October 07, 2005, 04:12:48 PM »
Ive had this ball before it came out in shops,when it was on EBAY. Drilled by the IMPERIAL DP3 of course. Out of box this ball is RUTHLESS a true HOOK MONSTER and Im yet to tame it (why would I) For me its a true "Oiler" when the lane are punch drunk with oil. With this ball you can play anywhere you please (with the proper hand adjustment of course) A hard hitter and finisher the T S&A with throw pins all around the deck and win some side pots at that! Go MO
Opponent: What makes you think you can beat me?

K.C.: Cause I don't doubt my skill

Opponent: And you doubt mine?

K.C.: Didn't say that


K.C.: Lets fight
K.C. White II
Motiv Staffer
MotivNation will take a nation to stop.

Bowling is about what the bowler believes it to be, so what is bowling to you friend?

Matt Fortney

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Re: Total Shock & Awe
« Reply #7 on: December 04, 2005, 10:14:45 AM »
Had this ball laid out with the pin above/right of ring, mb below/right of thumb.

definitely a heavy hooking ball, almost too much in box condition for ths. after some polish it made the ball not only playable on this condition, but more forgiving as well. overall the ball did what it was designed too, but i'm just not a fan of this core, as it was a little too touchy for me. i didn't have a lot of room for error with this ball. what it lacked there, though, it made up for with hitting power.

when i was throwing the ball well though, not making many little mistakes, definitely a great ball. overall i'd give it about a 8/10. pretty good ball.


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Re: Total Shock & Awe
« Reply #8 on: January 20, 2006, 02:13:24 PM »
Got this ball for Christmas. Is suppose to be pretty versatile for me, and a step below my Seek and Destroy. Great for fresh house shots. Ball is at 600 grit, but still goes pretty long for it being sanded so much. Ball reaction was good on a 37 foot sport pattern, 1.5 to 1 ratio. Pin above the bridge. MB to the right of my thumb about one inch. Drilled by my buddy at Hitt's Pro Shop.


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Re: Total Shock & Awe
« Reply #9 on: January 22, 2006, 02:11:05 AM »
OK I bought this ball about six months ago as I was brand new to bowling fingertip with a hook so I wanted a big hooking ball. As time went on I learned to throw a good hook and I picked up more balls in my arsenal. I started struggling with the MoRich so I put it away but that was my fault I was throwing it too slow. Remember Ive only been doing this for 6 months. I started bowling 30 to 50 games a week and last week bowled my highest game ever a 289 with a beat up Storm Hot Wire ball I bought off some kid for ten bucks (Go Figure). Anyways tonight I pulled the MoRich back out of the bag and threw a 258 and 3 other games all over 200. The biggest thing I have learned in the last six months is I no longer use the arrows to aim at I use them to set up my angle to my aim point which is somewhere about 60% down the lane. That change and working on my footwork and form made the most diffrence. The MoRich Total Shock and Awe is still a great ball but like any bowling ball I'm learning they all can be good in the right conditions. I hope this helps someone out there. I am looking to buy another ball right now and there is way too many choices out there the main thing I'm looking for is a very hard hitting 15 to 15.5 pound ball that keeps the pins low to the deck any suggestions?


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Re: Total Shock & Awe
« Reply #10 on: February 04, 2006, 09:34:19 PM »
hey just got this ball a week ago and i have to say that this ball is the best ball i have ever thrown. this ball will hook on any oil pattern out there. i average about 205 in my youth league and my first week with it i shot a 758 and a 718 series with it i am a lefty and on fresh oil this ball absolutely dominates the lanes the ball hits extremely hard i usually never leave any 7 pins with it this ball carries like no other ball i would recomend this ball to anyone.


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Re: Total Shock & Awe
« Reply #11 on: March 30, 2006, 05:50:04 PM »
I just got this ball today. Im lefthanded, medium speed and low-med revs. I stand with right foot on 25 and hit second arrow with my big time pearl. I had to move to 40 and rolled the ts&a over ten! wow I still got a few brookland strikes! This ball is very strong!!! If you need a heavy oil ball then get this bad boy!I will go with morich in the future, great ball!


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Re: Total Shock & Awe
« Reply #12 on: July 29, 2006, 03:26:59 PM »
I have had this ball for about six months now and I am still amazed on how much this ball hooks. I allready posted a review on this ball with another user when I bought the ball and the result is the same. The ball still hooks and it still hits hard. With 100+ games with the ball I have baked it once and it is good as new. I can only use this ball with oil and only oil. Otherwise I cant controll the ball. The house I bowl at usually has dry oil in the summer so I can only get a game and a half with it and then I make a ball change. If you want a ball that will hook hard and hit harder then get this ball.

PS I hate 7 pins


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Re: Total Shock & Awe
« Reply #13 on: November 01, 2007, 05:22:52 PM »
Got this ball a few days ago and got to bowl with it last night. It was used and it didn't fit my span so I had to bowl without the thumb and so I wasn't really accurate but I could get alot of hand into it and with this ball being polished it long and came back very aggressivly.

The thing i liked was I could play a stroker or cranker line with this ball just had to really rev it up to get it back when playing deep and it does come back to my surprise. It out hooked my Awesome hook by a good much especially on the backend. I liked this ball but it did leave some splits that I don't get with most other balls but like I said I wasn't able to use my thumb so my accuracy was off a little. Will post up a review once it is refitted to my hand.
Right Handed bowler, tweener/cranker, 16-19MPH depending on Lanes.

My Arsenal:
Columbia Action Max
Columbia White Dot (big hook haha)
Dyno-Thane Threshold
Ebonite Angular One
Ebonite Xcel Pearl
Morich Awesome Hook
Morich Total Shock & Awe
Storm Double Agent
Track Robo Rule


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Re: Total Shock & Awe
« Reply #14 on: November 06, 2007, 10:12:59 PM »
Now that it has been fitted...all I can say is WOW this ball is the most hooking ball that I own. Its drilled up to have a sharp break point and thats the truth! It has been polished and even with the polish this ball wants to turn early...great ball out hooks my Awesome hook by about a 1/4 of a lane. Great ball, if you get a chance to get one of you won't regret it!
Right Handed bowler, tweener/cranker, 16-19MPH depending on Lanes.

My Arsenal:
Columbia Action Max
Columbia White Dot (big hook haha)
Dyno-Thane Threshold
Ebonite Angular One
Ebonite Xcel Pearl
Morich Awesome Hook
Morich Total Shock & Awe
Storm Double Agent
Track Robo Rule