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Author Topic: Weapon of Mass Bias  (Read 18936 times)


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Weapon of Mass Bias
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Featuring our new Vanguard Core Technology, a "HOLE" new concept -- More Continuation, Less Deflection, and Better Pin Carry; it is truly a WEAPON OF MASS BIAS.  WMB offers a 75% Stronger Mass Bias and a 20% Faster Spin Time than our previous core designs, and is surrounded by an all new Versatile Particle Cover.  It's SO dramatic, you can SEE and HEAR the difference!

Track Control Sharp Break Point Forward Roll
(PAP > 5-1/4")      
(PAP 4-1/2" to 5-1/4")    
(PAP < 4-1/2")    
Core Type:
 Vanguard Strong Asymmetrical  Mass Bias Differential:  .026
60 Degree Avg. Spin Time:  5.8 seconds  Coverstock:  C4 Enhanced with MoRich Particle
Factory Finish:  500 Matte  Flare Potential:  Medium/Large
Differential:  .044  RG:  2.518
Weights (pounds):  12, 13, 14, 15, 16  
Color:  Charcoal



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Re: Weapon of Mass Bias
« Reply #16 on: April 11, 2005, 12:40:32 AM »
My personal stats are posted in my profile....

Ball is drilled with the pin 3 1/2" from my axis and 1 3/4" above the midline.  MB is 4" from my axis, swung past my VAL.  Weighthole is on my PAP.  Altered the factory surface a little, and have found spraying with ball bite, then scuffing with burgundy/grey pads gives me the best look.

The ball is one of my favorites.  Clears the heads exceptionally well for a high load particle.  As long as there is some head oil present, it will not check early.  The midlane is really where I like this ball.  It revs up nicely and really reads the lane very well from 25 to 35 feet.  Very clean through this section, and sets up the backend nicely.  The reaction off of the breakpoint is what really makes me happy about this ball.  Smooth is the only word to describe it.  It has a very long and lowpy arc, with extreme controllability.  I can use the ball on a wide variety of conditions because of this, and the ball is extremely perceptive to different hand positions.  The carry I get from this ball is something else.  Keeps the pins lower than anything else in my bag, and just rolls through racks.  There is definitely a different sound from this ball when it hits the pocket.  It just hits with a lot of force, and doesn't give the pins very much of a chance.

Overall, this ball is very predictable and versatile, with great carry.  I have also found the ball to be very driller friendly and the cover can be tweaked easily.  If you are looking for something benchmark on medium-heavy conditions, you can't go wrong with the WMB.  A real winner from MoRich, that is making me purchase more of their equipment.

*Erie Community College bowling*

Buffalo bowlers are the best all around in the country.


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Re: Weapon of Mass Bias
« Reply #17 on: April 19, 2005, 07:01:59 PM »
3.2 oz top and a 4 inch pin.  Drilled it up my usual way, pin above and inbetween my fingers with the cg kicked to the right, and the mb 1 inch right of thumb.  This ball does roll early, and has a smooth backend reaction.  Comparing this to the Gp2 the Weapon will have more midlane roll with a little less on the back.  It will hook about the same.  The Super Carbide Bomb will roll earlier but not nearly have the same amount of backend.  The Weapon is usable on medium to heavy conditions.  This ball will be a first game ball and may not be used often, since heavier oil is hard to find, but this is the case with all higher load particle balls.


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Re: Weapon of Mass Bias
« Reply #18 on: July 02, 2005, 02:29:55 PM »
Fred Caroll gave me this layout as part of a 3 ball arsenal,

Pin to PAP distance = 3 3/8"
MB to PAP distance = 4 5/8"
Pin height above the midline = 1 3/4"
X-Hole = Thumb positive quadrant

Ball is clean thru the front, heavy roll in the mid and has a pretty hard arcing backend. With this drilling, it can be used on medium-oily to oily for me. Very smooth overall. Left it in box condition (500 matte).

This is my first Morich ball and it really does what it is advertised to do. It hits hard! Harder then anything I've ever thrown.

With such performance, its hard for me to choose anything else but Morich now.


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Re: Weapon of Mass Bias
« Reply #19 on: July 30, 2005, 01:40:37 PM »
once again i was wrong the ball is no better than anything else i have thrown and worse as it is not a heavy oil ball as i thought .On medium shots the ball burns up early and on lung shots with heavy volume the ball slide down the lane i cant figure it out no oil decent in oil hockey puck i have had it sanded to 320 and that didn't help i shot it yesterday on a used sport shot and outside of 10 was flooded .Inside was short oil.when i played inside the ball overhooked when i move right and try to play up the boards great 10 pin ball i am watching the ball rev but it never made a turn shot after shot after shot, ii know that the sport shot is tough but wow. I couldn't even spell pocket i think i was expecting way too much from the ball it really does nothing off of my hand in oil
my style, the art of bowling without bowling


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Re: Weapon of Mass Bias
« Reply #20 on: August 18, 2005, 01:28:24 AM »
What a sweet ball. If you have alot of hand, this is your ball. It is great for wanting a ball that will grip the heads and get plently of length and not cross a ton of boards. This is how particles should be made - strong, urethane reactions with not alot of under and over. Just hit your mark and area and you'll rack strikes. Everything carries with this ball as long as you have the consistant fingers you won't leave too many flat 10's. I prefered to shine mine as with all balls so it doesn't hook alot. But it does have an awesome soft arc and drills the pins like a bomb. This ball is truly a weapon of mass destruction. I'll definitly have to keep MoRich in mind. This ball is killer!


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Re: Weapon of Mass Bias
« Reply #21 on: August 24, 2005, 11:19:27 AM »
A good stroker friend of mine just recently bought this ball, low revs, not a lot of hand, but the ability to hit it when he needs to. He picked this ball up looking for something that he could get a few more boards covered with. All he said to me about it was "Wow". He's throwing it 15 to 5 and still getting it back to the pocket. He second game out with it was a 256 with 8 in a row. There are now two die hard Morich users in El Paso, Texas.
"This is your life, and it's ending one minute at a time" -- Tyler Durden


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Re: Weapon of Mass Bias
« Reply #22 on: August 27, 2005, 03:55:52 AM »
I bought this used off Ebay for $62.00 shipped. Although the auction stated it only had 3 games on it, it was obvious that the coverstock had been altered from its 500 matte factory finish and shined up to about 800-1000 grit. At any rate I redrilled it stacked leverage hoping it might give me the hard rev and flip similar to that of my Shock and Awe. I took it out tonight to put it through its paces and it did not disappoint! On freshly oiled synthtics (THS)I played straight up second arrow with minimal effort (very loose swing) and medium revs. The WMB cleared the heads easily, skidded to about 35 and then went into that all to familar MORICH heavy, powerful roll at about 40-45ft. Shot 235 and 267. It seems much smoother than the S&A with a slightly later flip. The hitting power was awesome.

I may take this beauty back down to about 600 grit as the difference between the S&A and WMB in its polished state is really quite minimal. However, I can attest to the WMB's ability to devastate the rack and to do so in a controlled and predictable manner. I was hesistant to make this purchase given the WMB's love/hate reputation. In my case I love it! Best $62 I ever spent on a bowling ball.

Damage Inc

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Re: Weapon of Mass Bias
« Reply #23 on: August 30, 2005, 01:34:19 PM »
This is my first post on here, so sorry if it isn't the greatest.  I happen to have three of these balls, one for heavy oil, one for medium oil and one for dry.  I bowl in leagues and in tournaments, just started entering tournaments. King Of The Mill set up all three of them, I have no idea what the specs are for any of them.  I have had my highest series with this ball, a 778.  The ball set up for medium is usually the first ball I grab.  I love watching it go down the lane.  It is very smooth going down the lane, and then it just makes those pins explode.  In the past, I have had trouble on dry lanes, but with the WMB for dry, it does exactly what I want.  The heavy oil WMB is the one with my highest series.  Just a great ball.  As far as the conditions, outside of a sport shot, I bowl on just about everything else.
Honesty is my only excuse - Metallica


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Re: Weapon of Mass Bias
« Reply #24 on: September 23, 2005, 05:45:38 PM »
15 lb drilled 5 x 3 1/2 MB up 3"
This Ball has great carry and hits hard on the right conditions. Had bad experience with the Colossus supreme but not with this ball. This on don't burned out as much as the CS and it carry like mad. After 5 game of local turny use 217,204,212,257,251 is paid for !!!  They call me sandbagger when I use this ball. It makes them goes HTF he got a strike with a hit like that????. It hooks little less than my real deal maybe due to the drilling. Another ball paid by the weak ones . Ball can be used on med to Heavy. This play 30th board and Ravage /  will be around 10 Classic Zone would be 8. CZ Red Pin No luck spare at most. When throw on same lane.
Thanks for your donation! Taking more money for the next one! Until then.

Honestly I got a lot of balls. No NOT BOWLING BALLS!


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Re: Weapon of Mass Bias
« Reply #25 on: October 11, 2005, 08:19:09 PM »
I bought this ball about 6 months ago hoping for a more versatile dull ball with lots of strikeability -- boy, did I get my moneys worth!  For the first time ever, I broke 200 for my year-end average and I owe it all to the WMB and the mad scientist that drills my balls -- Don Huss in Sterling, VA (Spares Pro Shop).  This ball will carry light hits all night long and I love the sound it makes when it crushes the pocket, leaving nothing but pin dust in its wake.


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Re: Weapon of Mass Bias
« Reply #26 on: October 25, 2005, 04:13:54 PM »
purchased two of these balls last year.  One with the pin below and between the fingers.  Ball rolls great.  Love that it never stops turning as it goes through the pins.  The second ball is drilled with the pin at 9 0 clock (I am lefthanded) for a ball that is supposed to arc this ball makes a serious turn to the pocket and more times then not is the first ball out of the bag.  Love both work great on most conditions.  I would say probably 8 out of 10. Have had to some problems with the finger cracking out on almost all of my morich equipment.  I dont know if it due to use or from material used.  But over all they are great.  (THESE CRACKS ARE BY THE WAY JUST STRESS CRACKS NO ACTUALLY BREAKING OF THE COVER YET)

Bruce And Dana

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Re: Weapon of Mass Bias
« Reply #27 on: October 26, 2005, 04:56:25 AM »
The ball left me with allot of 9 pins.You hit High flush as a lefty I left a 6 pin.Hit light in the pocket leave 9 pin. Hit dead flush pocket 7 pin.My first game it took me alittle bit to find the right line.Once I found the right line I could not miss.The last two games I hit the pocket everytime.And only shot 214 225.I could not string more than 3 strikes.But Like I said if you get lined up and hit your mark you cannot miss the pocket.The ball goes were you put it.I don't know how to list the drilling on this ball.All I know is I told my pro shop guy to drill it to hook as much as the ball can be drilled.It still isn't a ball that you can use in alot of oil.But that don't matter as long as you line up right.It still is a good ball.A very good spare ball to.I only missed 3 7 pins.All was my falt miss my mark.


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Re: Weapon of Mass Bias
« Reply #28 on: November 14, 2005, 02:01:21 PM »
I purchased this ball in January 2005 and at the time, it provided me with the best month of bowling in my life!  Tossed my first 300 with it and countless 700+ series.  The ball is for heavier conditions but if you have hand you can move inside, get it out and watch it clear the rack.  The downside is I've never had a ball reaction change so drastically after 100 games.  If you are thinking it was due to lack of cleaning or maint, think again.  That wasn't the case.  The ball has been resurfaced (instructions straight from Morich), and performs better than most balls I've ever had... but nothing like it did before.  On a scale of 1 to 10... 7 overall, 10 during the first month I had it.


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Re: Weapon of Mass Bias
« Reply #29 on: June 26, 2006, 11:21:28 AM »
14# ball. Roughly a 3 inch pin and 3 oz of topweight before drilling. Drilled with the pin at finger height about 2.5 inches from Pap. The mb is just right of thumbhole.

I really like the way this ball rolls. I can't recall any other ball that I've thrown that appears to accelerate at the breakpoint the way the WMB does. It really looks like it doubles its speed when it stops sliding and starts hooking.

The ball in OOB finish hooks too much to be used on the most oil I could find. I eventually put a light coat of control it polish on the ball. This cut down the hook by a couple of boards, but the WMB is still by far the strongest ball I own.

The ball hits with authority. The pins explode off of the deck. Carry was above average, but I did leave various taps despite the hype.

I only have house shots to bowl on. The heaviest of which is a 42 foot pattern on synthetics. The outsides are drier, but it isn't a super wall.

I really couldn't get too deep with the WMB unless I left the pair I was bowling on. The ball would come back from anywhere. The problem is that the shot blows up in just a few frames. I'm constantly moving left with my feet and target. I frequently roll 4 or 5 strike in a row only to have to make a significant move as the ball starts to hook high. I've rolled many good half a games with the WMB but no really good scores with it. It's really fun to bowl with, but I have a hard time scoring with it.

I have put the WMB away as it really hasn't scored well for me. I probably just need more oil. This ball was hard to bag because it just looks so good for short periods. I will try a Vanguard core again in a cleaner coverstock.
The core provides a great look , but I think it was just too much cover for me.


Polished the ball to a mirror finish with control-it. I can now use the ball on the local version of "heavy" oil. The WMB still hooks plenty and gives me area. I really like this ball with the proper surface adjustments. It still needs a higher volume of oil despite A super high gloss polish.

Why does everyone laugh when I bowl?


Why does everyone laugh when I bowl?


Mike Austin

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Re: Weapon of Mass Bias
« Reply #30 on: July 18, 2006, 02:54:37 AM »
I got this ball off a guy on Ebay, so I don't know (or care) what the out of box specs were on this ball.  I just know that I could add Vacu Grips and Switch Grip Thumb and not have to plug it.

Pin under the ring finger, cg/MB out slightly, no extra hole.  The ball is legal with static weights, but did not check what they precisely were.

Have been wanting to throw a MoRich ball, they look like they roll so well, when see people using them.

This ball will definitely see some time in my bag, specially on some of the longer PBA patterns.  This ball HOOKS!  Pretty early, pretty smooth, but does not quit.  Very continuous for a Brunswick made particle ball, finishes all the way throw the pins.  Needs oil on the front half of the lane, but if you do watch out.  I want to try this ball on fresh oil during league.  It may be a monster!

I have bowled about 8-10 games with it total, all on a short Sport Pattern.  The pattern was pretty high volume, so there was some carry down, and it played tighter than when freshly oiled.  Still like the ball, hit very good!

This is an oily lane ball.  A notch or two less than a Scorchin Inferno, but still needs plenty of oil.  Hooks more than most of the balls on the market.  Can't see anyone using this ball on dry lanes.  Straighter players will love this on a medium condition, they should be able to open up the lane, specially if you have good ball speed.  Boomers are gonna need oil, and probably lots of it, should be pretty good though, shouldn't have to make it hit.

Hope this helps ya.....
Mike Austin's Precision Pro Shop
Houston, TX

Driller to many "Stars" and Tony Melendez too!

"So Many Balls, only ONE drill press!!"

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