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Author Topic: 4 ball arsenal help...  (Read 1131 times)


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4 ball arsenal help...
« on: September 18, 2004, 08:43:20 AM »
This is what I'm thinking about so far:

-Total Annhilation: Med. Hev. oil
-Ravage: Med. oil
-Pioneer: Light oil (don't know if they are still making it though...)

Now, I like the Mayhem too, but I'm guessing that I'd strictly have it for tournament and/or extremely flooded conditions.(i.e. I don't need it right, right now. ) I like the ONslaught for med. oil, but I hear that it's VERY snappy! I do NOT like skid-snap balls. I've heard that the Ravage might be one as well, so please give some clarification to this. I'm not feeling the Hercules right now, don't know why, just a gut feeling I guess.

I'm by no means an expert when it comes to equipment I'm just going off of what I've heard or read on the forums or their website. Also, could someone give me a good online website where they have ALL of MoRich's line-up, but at a decent price range? Thanks again for all replies and help. Oh, one more thing, I would have everthing drilled for "control".
When you've moved up, moved back, adjusted left and right, cupped, flattened out, have thrown everyting in your arsenal, and the pins still don't cooperate, just say, "Aw to HELL with it!", and throw the ball!

Edited on 9/18/2004 4:39 PM



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Re: 4 ball arsenal help...
« Reply #1 on: September 20, 2004, 04:19:19 AM »
Mayhem, Total Annhilation, Onslaught, and Ravage all have the same cores!
Or very similar core with slightly different densities.

Yes the Ravage does snap if drilled to snap but it has a surprising amount of control for a snappy ball at least for the bowler I saw use it! His drilled pin above ring slightly mass bias about 2 inches from thumb on the pap side.  Lenght with some control.

Great balls all!

Pioneer is also a good one.

I think your 3 initial choices are good ones and can be drilled differently for  different reactions.  Go to for lots of drillling choices!


It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: 4 ball arsenal help...
« Reply #2 on: September 20, 2004, 01:18:18 PM »
Lucky Lefty is right.
My Ravage has great control.
My pin is above the ring finger and the MB is next to the thumb.
Very controllable.


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Re: 4 ball arsenal help...
« Reply #3 on: September 22, 2004, 08:06:54 AM »
Ur ball u have chosen are right on. depending on ur ball speed and tilt with a pro shop guy that knows what he is doing he should be able to give u the reactions that u are looking for. I have all the balls that u are talking about and love everyone. I also have 2 ravages, one that skips and stops and also on that reads the oil better for a drier lane. And i would highly recommend a total to everyone, it is the biggest hooking ball in the market today it also does not stop when it starts. Good Luck
