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Author Topic: Tell me more about the Seek & Destroy  (Read 1220 times)


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Tell me more about the Seek & Destroy
« on: January 11, 2007, 02:22:11 AM »
I was in the market for a Ravage, but sold out before I could get my hands on one.

Last night I was able to get my hands on a Seek & Destroy for $75 shipped.

Tell me more about this ball, and how it can fit in my bag with the list below.

I hear the the Seek & Destroy is an angular particle ball, isnt that an oxymoron?

looking for this ball to compliment 1 other ball to go in my bag with a spare ball.

Ive been thinking about competing in a sport shot league, PBA league, or on a pattern that is more demanding.

PAP 4 3/4" Over 3/8" Up
Average Rev Rate
15-16MPH at the pins, can go faster or slower but comfortable in that range.

Please suggest a layout for this ball, and which ball I should use with it from the following balls:
Original Inferno
Absolute Inferno
Danger Zone
Combat Zone Tracer
Enriched Uranium
Uranium Pearl

See Profile for layouts of above balls.


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2005-06 Average: 197 (Non-THS)

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Edited on 1/11/2007 11:22 AM



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Re: Tell me more about the Seek & Destroy
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2007, 11:09:01 AM »
well S&D really is a particle ball that creates an angular break point I didn't belive it myself. specs for mine are like this Fingers next to pin and the mass bias out about 1 1/2 inches with the PAP out 5 inches. Ball handles oil like a dream not a flood but heavy oil, it will probably be the strongest ball mentioned on your profile varying on drill pattern. gets down the lane about 40 feet then turns over pretty hard but does NOT flip just has a real strong move into the pins blows them away but watch that 9 pin I left mine OOB so I can't vouch for polishing the ball but from what I have heard it is very versilte as far as cover changes. Overall one of my favorites in the bag currently.

Drill pattern I will SUGGEST something similiar to mine mentioned above. it does really create amazing lenght for a ball that covers the number of boards it does. it will work well on PBA patterns or sport shots with heavier oil it creates swing zone when there is very little for anyone else. Check my profile for how I play read my review for a better overview of the ball on various patterns. GOOD LUCK and good choice

Edited on 1/11/2007 12:10 PM
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Re: Tell me more about the Seek & Destroy
« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2007, 02:02:20 PM »
thanks for the information.

i MAY do something similar to this...

most likely 3 1/2" Pin to PAP and MB to PAP about 6 3/4"

not sure yet, im really careful with particle asymmetric balls now since my Insite Almighty Debacle.

Not sure if i layed it out poor, or its really just a POS.
THAT ball was layed out Pin high 4 1/2" Pin to PAP and 3 1/2" MB to PAP.

Rollout on dry, skid on oil, what a nitemare.


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Re: Tell me more about the Seek & Destroy
« Reply #3 on: January 12, 2007, 06:32:24 PM »
Be careful with the mb so far away from your PAP.  The farther it is away--the longer it will take to make a move down the lane.
My ball won't hook--Oops, it was my spare ball....
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Re: Tell me more about the Seek & Destroy
« Reply #4 on: January 12, 2007, 07:09:45 PM »
Be careful with the mb so far away from your PAP.  The farther it is away--the longer it will take to make a move down the lane.

That was my intent, less energy burn getting it to the pocket.

being a particle coverstock, energy rentention is at a premium.


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Re: Tell me more about the Seek & Destroy
« Reply #5 on: January 13, 2007, 08:12:32 AM »
Unless you are rev dominant or extra slow ball speed....yes keep the MB right of your thumb. This ball is fairly clean through the heads even when dull. If you want more length take the surface grit up, but drill it with a strong mass bias.   Al


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Re: Tell me more about the Seek & Destroy
« Reply #6 on: January 13, 2007, 10:57:34 PM »
Decent Revs, around 14-16MPH speed.
Ball usually sets up, stands up, and rolls towards the pocket well.
Very few 10 pins, I allow the ball to drive at the pins well.
I usually get what I deserve, when I leave pins.


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Re: Tell me more about the Seek & Destroy
« Reply #8 on: January 19, 2007, 04:39:58 PM »
Ball came in.

1" Pin
2.6 Top Weight

Layout im going with...

Pin under bridge, 45° MB angle.
4 3/4" Pin to PAP, 2.5" MB to PAP, MB 2.5" down VAL.

my PAP is 4 3/4" OVER 3/8" UP



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Re: Tell me more about the Seek & Destroy
« Reply #9 on: January 19, 2007, 07:27:38 PM »

What reaction shape are you shooting for?  I think the MB is too close to your PAP in what you have proposed.  Based on what you're looking for a 45 degree should get you closer to a 3.5 - 4.5 mb to PAP.  I think you're laying to core over too much with the 2.5 mb placement, giving a tendency to roll out or burn up.  If it were me(and it's not, I realize that), I'd do a 4 3/4 x 4.5mb x 2(under bridge for you), based on what you asked about earlier in the thread.  I'd also keep the AI under it, as it has the same cover as the Flip, as Mo designed the Seek to complement the Flip and vice versa.... BTW, what happened to the Shock and Awe?  That'd work there also...

Hope this helps,

Bowling Services Unlimited
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Re: Tell me more about the Seek & Destroy
« Reply #10 on: January 22, 2007, 08:11:59 PM »
What reaction shape are you shooting for?  I think the MB is too close to your PAP in what you have proposed.  Based on what you're looking for a 45 degree should get you closer to a 3.5 - 4.5 mb to PAP.  I think you're laying to core over too much with the 2.5 mb placement, giving a tendency to roll out or burn up.  If it were me(and it's not, I realize that), I'd do a 4 3/4 x 4.5mb x 2(under bridge for you), based on what you asked about earlier in the thread.  I'd also keep the AI under it, as it has the same cover as the Flip, as Mo designed the Seek to complement the Flip and vice versa.... BTW, what happened to the Shock and Awe?  That'd work there also...

Hi again Bill!

I think you suggested the same layout for the Shock & Awe.
Shock & Awe is waiting to be drilled in the future, not sure when, probably when the Absolute is retired.

I have heard that the Seek & Destroy gets some pretty good length before turning up, thats why I suggested a more aggressive MB placement.

I'm looking for something that will be brought out on the med-heavy stuff, when my absolute inferno isnt tractioning through carrydown, and sliding into the pocket instead of driving.

Controlable breakpoint in carrydown, pretty much a "cleanup the mess" type of ball.

I was thinking control drill, but being a particle ball, it may burn too much energy on the cover for that type of drill, others have said that I would need to feed the ball plenty of energy with that drill, im a middle of the road type of player, versitle, can play all over the lane.


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Re: Tell me more about the Seek & Destroy
« Reply #11 on: January 22, 2007, 08:42:11 PM »
I went with a 4.5 pin, 5.75 MB, 2.75 above the midline.  I liked it in OOB, but then stopped throwing it.  I took it out tonight just for the heck of it.  I sanded it to 360 abralon and then rough buff.  With this cover prep, it is very clean and fairly angular, yet controllable.  The carry is astounding.  I don't have very high ball speed, yet it sent messengers all over the place.  I would say it is cleaner than my No Mercy, but slightly less angular.  Compared to the Absolute Inferno I had, it was also cleaner but I can see it handling more oil and carrydown better.  


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