I was totally disgusted by Sean Rash in the telecast yesterday. His "who's your hometown hero now" comment was so out of line. I have met Danny once before and he seemed very personable and a nice guy and didn't deserve that kind of disrepect. And I agree with some of the other posts, Rash wasn't very accurate at all, he just had the right ball for his game and used it create more room then the rest. He had some breaking at 2, some at 5-6, and was all over the place at the arrows. But on the Cheetah pattern you can get away with that when you have the revs that Rash has. Unfortunately, it seems that way on every pattern this year so far. Last week was supposed to the Viper pattern and people were still playing the ditch, that never happened last year.
But, did anyone else hear his 4 letter slip when he missed that 10 pin? Distinctly heard "Oh Sh!t" pretty much as soon as it left his hand.
"Ray, next time someone asks you if you're a god, you say YES!!"
Edited on 12/11/2006 7:54 AM