Ok....this might get complicated....but...
you're asking for a 3 ball arsenal in the title of your post but you ask about other balls and layouts in the text.
Can you be more specific on your SD layout? Does your driller know Morich stuff and your game ? VERY IMPORTANT.
You say your SD is "shape break" ...I'm assuming you mean "sharp break" ....but please be specific and we'll be able to help you more.
The funny thing about Morich is this.....you can have ANY OTHER 2 balls in Morich's lineup to complement what you need !! ANY OF THEM.....and YES...you could get 2 more SD's drilled and prepped differently and they would work !
Dizzy, I'm glad you clarified what you were suggesting because you can't just say
Pin above ring finger and MB nect to thumb would be my suggestion.
and I know you know that! *reaches across pond and slaps hand!*
"A Mayhem and a couple of Hercs.......uhm.....Nice!.."
Edited on 1/6/2006 8:27 AM