So I purchased a used LevRG after hearing some great things about the ball. Got it in the mail on Tuesday and haven't had it plugged up yet. Looking at it, the only thing I knew was that the pin was above the fingers, and usually that means its drilled for length, right? Obviously, it wasn't drilled to my specs or to my hand, but I wanted to see just how it looked down the lane. It went DEAD straight. I guess these balls are really core/layout dependent huh? Threw it on a fresh 41 foot pattern, 2.5 to 1 ratio.
What I was wondering is, what layout do you suggest for someone who normall throws it 15-16 mph, with a slightly low rev rate ( I use a glove to keep my wrist from breaking back), with more forward roll. My PAP is 6 over and 1/2 up, and I have very little tilt (from what I'm told).
I'm looking for a layout that will help me on the longer, flatter patterns I see. Something that will pick up on a 41-44 foot pattern. Willing to play with surface, but more interested in what layout would be best. Thanks!
P.S. When I was throwing the used LevRG I could slightly hear it go over the thumbhole, and the track confirmed that. I also have a pretty high track (track real close the thumb hole)
Edited on 12/11/2008 2:45 PM