OK, I got an Awesome Revs 16.00lb 2-3 pin with 2 3/4 top weight. Drilled it up with the control drilling from the sheet. Pin 2.5 from Pap MB 6.5 (under thumb). Decided I would use it last night in my Friday league. The lanes were unusually oily for our league. Word has it the lane man oil them in the afternoon and they were oiled again before our league (which I saw) with no play on them after the first oiling. But anyways in practice I used my No Mercy, which I usually use, typical 3rd arrow swing shot and the ball didnt wrinkle, and this was the case throughout the league, nothing was moving. So I grabbed my Revs figured with the particle it would grip a little more and be more of a even move for me. To combat the oil I also move to a direct line, playing straight up 5. First game X, 4 pin/, off the sheet 280, 2nd game X, 10 pin/, off the sheet 280. 3rd game I needed to migrate left with my feet and set down and ended up with 237. Needed the first strike in the 10th for the 800 and left a 10 pin. 797, but needless to say I was very impressed with the reaction of the revs which I would describe as a smooth powerful arc. with the drill pattern in still gets good length and a then starts up strong in the mids but doesnt overreact at all. I am glad I picked this drill pattern on the ball as it is a true winner...