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Author Topic: Flare decreasing Xhole - AFinish  (Read 1301 times)


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Flare decreasing Xhole - AFinish
« on: March 06, 2009, 05:44:18 AM »
Can I put a flare decreasing X-hole in my Awesome Finish? It moves similar (I mean similar not the same) as my Ntense but I need something below this motion because sometimes at the 3rd game I can't put the Finish in the pocket. Now, I know that Morich recommends putting Xholes from pap (p1) to MB (p4). The question is if I can put a flare decreasing hole 2 1/4 in above my pap, will I obtain what I want? I want the ball to be longer and controllable for drier lanes. The ball is drilled pin above and to the right of ring finger, cg and MB stacked, MB like 1 in right of thumb. I have med-high speed, revs and track.
Thank you in advance.



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Re: Flare decreasing Xhole - AFinish
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2009, 02:43:39 PM »
I would put the hole on your axis to decrease overall motion and strength.  If I had to move the x-hole up--I'd try to drill the fingers deeper and still put in on the axis.
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Re: Flare decreasing Xhole - AFinish
« Reply #2 on: March 06, 2009, 02:55:47 PM »
Thanks 8t, what size of drill would you use and where should I take the side weight, 1/8 neg, 3/4 neg? in order to decrease motion and strength.

Jesse James

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Re: Flare decreasing Xhole - AFinish
« Reply #3 on: March 06, 2009, 09:44:50 PM »
Not sure of the size of the hole you should use, but I do know, the larger the hole, the less motion you get at the breakpoint. The smaller the hole, the more pronounced and distinct the move will be at your breakpoint.

Funny that you want to do this on an Awesome Finish. I too have an Awesome Finish which I use on dryish lanes.

However, my AF is drilled with a simple label drill,lefthanded!

I love this ball! It still does it's thing....finishes hard, it just goes extremely long before it does it. I am righthanded.
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Re: Flare decreasing Xhole - AFinish
« Reply #4 on: March 07, 2009, 07:41:17 AM »
You have a MoRich ball, why not use Mo's Gradient Line balance hole system?

Brunswick's system of putting the X hole above/below or inside/outside the PAP was originally intended for their symmetric cores.  For a strong asymmetric, I'd suggest sticking with something designed for them.

I have a Black Widow Bite.  The ball reaction wasn't quite what I was looking for.  After watching BrunsNick's video, I talked my driller into adding a flare increasing hole outside of my PAP.  It made no noticeable change in the ball's reaction.  I had that plugged and used Mo's system since the core is asymmetric and I'm much happier.

Also, your description of where the pin, CG, and MB mean absolutely nothing.  Especially with a high mass bias ball, they must all be measured from your PAP.
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Re: Flare decreasing Xhole - AFinish
« Reply #5 on: March 11, 2009, 11:55:09 AM »
Also, your description of where the pin, CG, and MB mean absolutely nothing.  Especially with a high mass bias ball, they must all be measured from your PAP.

I wouldn't say it means ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, considering he did say he's a medium tracker. Granted, that's not the most accurate, it at least tells us he throws the ball relatively normal.

Anyways, drilling the fingers deeper will decrease the differential, this will decrease ball motion early, helping the ball retain a little more energy.