I might be selling my Flip. I have had 2 Seek & Destroys, 2 Shock & Awes, 1 Total Shock & Awe, 3 Labys, 1 Colossus and 1 Awesome Flip. I had 770 (coulda been 800+ but for pilot error) first match with Flip and also a 290 game, all within the first 10 games. Since then it goes 60 feet straight. Had from 360 - 2000 surface on it. With and without polish. Without and with balance hole. Baked, clean & dull, power wash - nothing helps! I can leave 2-4-8-10's at will. I have been 100% satisfied with every MoRich I have thrown until recently with this one. I have 2 Seeks, 2 Revs and 2 S&A's on the way. The Flip will be out of the bag and replaced and probably for sale - CHEAP!!
Vanguard Core Technology
Don't be a "hole", bowl with "one"
MoRich = MoScores