Speed/rev dominant is a fairly obscure criterium. Dependent upon the lane conditions, various individuals will have different perceptions as to whether or not they are speed dominant. If your looking for a ball that is a step up from the no mercy (hooks more), the AH is a solid option, a step down perhaps the AFlip. The Finish should be the closest to the NM with surface adjustments, as charlest pointed out. The revs is probably fairly similar as far as overall hook potential, but I would expect the revs to be quite a bit rollier in the midlane with less backend. I personally look for something like that when I want to go straighter, and I reserve more angular stuff for playing inside.
I also have to agree with dizzyfugu in saying that you should make sure that your driller knows your pap, tilt, and game very well. Mo's cores are very strong and versitile in the right hands, but they roll poorly if you have a suspect driller. Do Not mistake the hart of the No Mercy for the white mass bias indicator of the Morich stuff.
four fried chickens and a coke[/size=4]
Let me say something, let me say something...