I said that I'm sorry about the Haus machine because my spinner and my abrasives were able to change my and friend's Lanemasters and Legends ball reaction. I can only assume I was successful in modifying the diamonds' and the "supercarbon"'s surfaces because the ball reaction changed drastically. That makes me believe there might have been some undetected anomalies with either the Haus's diamond pads or the machine itself. I cannot tell and I probably couldn't if it stood up and yelled at me.
I remain sad that you were not able to modify lanemasters balls to your satisfaction. While they may never exceed MoRich balls in your opinion, I am certain you would at least have been more satisfied with them than you are now.
I also find Lanemasters balls, as well as several other good balls from other brands, to kick out 10 pins very fiercely, as you say MoRich does for you.
There are brands for me also which I could not not get to work as well as I would have liked. Even now I found it hard to even get myself to try some of them, even when many ballreviews members boast much success with them.
"Chacon a son gout." Each to his own pleasure.
"None are so blind as those who will not see."
Worrying is like rocking in a rocking chair: it gives you something to do, but doesn't get you anywhere!"