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Author Topic: Information on WMB  (Read 1148 times)


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Information on WMB
« on: July 04, 2005, 10:22:03 PM »
I have the "Morich Weapon of Mass Bias" and it is a great ball for heavy oiled lanes.  It is also great for fresh oiled lanes.  In league play you might only get one game of use out of it and then the carry dies.  Because this
ball burns-up oil like a vacuum cleaner.  However, that all depends on how the bowling center you bowl at lays the oil out and how much in volume on the lanes.  This ball needs the backends to be dry with virtually no oil carry-down.  With oil carry-down this ball doesn't hook.  I personally believe it works better on tournament lane conditions.  I recently bowled in a tournament with it and bowled great with the "WMB."  With this ball you will need good ball speed control and good accuracy as well.  It also requires heavy ball maintenance because it absorbs and burns-up a lot of oil.  I hope this helps.