I would really like to see someone put up a video with no edits, to see true shots in order. Any ball any company will look good with those conditons, that amount of revs and the edit button.
What I would challenge someone to do is produce a video with the average bowler say 165. I'll use that number because that is about the national bowling average and that is what makes up majority of league bowlers. Then run some tape on them and let's see the results. It would be nice to see a average bowler use a "new" ball then leave some four pins then see if they move and what the ball does then? Will it dig the ten or puke it? Just some thoughts on keeping it real.
The kid on this video is good but doesn't resemble the average bowler. Beside all that the ball does have some nice shelf appeal.
Edited on 11/20/2007 8:08 AM