Wow... a layout for a MoRich ball that completely fails to take into account the bowler's PAP.
That's a step in the wrong direction.
If you want backend movement out of a LevRG you better find enough oil to get it to maintain energy down lane, pretty much regardless of the layout.
With 2.7 oz. of TW this ball is a little easier to work with since if the CG is close to the fingers, the fingers can be drilled deeper to remove the excess finger weight.
If his PAP is a normal one of lets say, 5 1/4" over and 1" up, I'd suggest putting the pin in the ring finger and keeping the MB at 70 degrees. Sure wish the pin out was larger and we had more info.
"A word to the wise ain't necessary -- it's the stupid ones that need the advice." Bill Cosby
"Never argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level and beat you with experience."