I mean, if you look at this chart, where do we differentiate between abralon and 'sanding paper'?
1) High Gloss Polish (Sahara, Ravage, Awesome Finish)
2) Rough Buff/Compound (Awesome Revs, Awesome Flip, Shock & Awe)
3) 4000-grit wed sand (Solid LevRG, Nsane LevRG)
4) 1200-grit wet sand (Seek & Destroy)
5) 1000-grit wet sand (LevRG)
6) 800-grit wet sand (Total Annihilation)
7) 500-grit wet sand (Awesome Hook, Weapon of Mass Bias)
400-grit wet sand (Total Shock & Awe)
Someone care to tell me where the change from abralon to sand paper happens?
If #5 is abralon and #7 is sand paper, then you would be, in effect getting the same finish, wouldn't you?
If it's all abralon, where do you get the difference between 400 and 500?