Though I never got a revs, I had the hook, flip, S&D, TS&A, S&A, Ravage, Sahara, Onslaught, Mayhem, and Hercules. I must say that there are great differences between each of these core varieties. The Hercules is pretty weak compared to the newer stuff, and the core especially seems to make the ball rev up alot different. The Ravage block was really good, and could be put in any company's high end, and sell right now. The vanguard however is very different than anything else out there, especially the bottom flip cap of the S&A and TS&A. Those bowling balls really reved in the midlane. The Af and S&D are probably my favorite as they seem to maintain energy longer. Though you may not send pins like you will with the S&A and TS&A, these pieces are much more versitile, and allow you to play pretty deep.
As far as where to go from the Revs, I would, like the others say the Af, which should be a step down in hook, but 4-5 boards more on the back. I have thrown the Angular one, and numerous other agressive pearls, and I have to say that the Awesome Flip has the most backend of anything that I've thrown. I like the S&D alot, infact its my favorite ball. That should give you a different look being that it is a sanded particle solid rather than a compound particle pearl, but to create an arsenal, the Af is probably a better fit.
four fried chickens and a coke[/size=4]
Let me say something, let me say something...