So I purchased a LevRg and had it drilled up with the Strong midlane drilling for Medium Track players on Mo's website. The weighthole happened to be near the thumbhole, like a double thumbhole drilling, so I was thinking this looks pretty similar. The ball doesn't roll very well at all, and it seems my track has migrated to the right to where its right over the middle finger insert and right between the thumbhole and weighthole. It hits like a wet noodle. What happened? Tried the LevRG at 360 and 500 abralon, but it never consistently rolled. I could hear the ball rolling over the thumbhole the last five feet before it hits the pins. There's gotta be something with the layout right? A coach of mine has said that it might be that the core is so strong, and it doesn't turn over quick enough and instead wiggles. I know a picture would be greatly appreciated, so I'll try to get that to you guys tonight after league. It's not much to go off of, but any comments are appreciated.