This is a tough situation, however it was bought second hand off of ebay, so things can get dicey there....."what really happened to the ball originally" becomes teh question as pointed out already......
on a side note I'd like to point out something I noticed last night while watching the qualifying for the World Championship at Taylor Lanes...
I said hi to Mo last night as he walked around and spoke to each person using his equipment. Yes, a small company...but the owner of the company making stops at each set of lanes talking about balls, ball reactions, etc, etc...
You don't see that very often......seems like GREAT customer service to me!!
Which reminds's the owner of a small company making sure everyone's happy during qualifying...and it made me think of WRW the last time he made the show....qualified all week w/ Mo's stuff, tore the place up,...even in practice before the show started..w/ a Morich shirt on even...then right before 'showtime' he changes shirts...grabs his GP2,....and goes on to lose!
I thought of that situation while watching Mo chat up to the guys using his stuff....what a slap in the face to Mo to have WRW do that....because I bet he was w/ WRW during the week making sure he was ok as well........
MoRich Customer Service Sucks
?..............sorry Doug,'re a respected member of this site, and I know you've been on here a long time and I have no problem/issue w/ you or your shop.....but I'm going to have to disagree w/ that comment......
JEFF"Oh...that's puce"
Sully; Monsters, Inc.
Edited on 3/31/2005 6:49 AM