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Author Topic: MoRich Customer Service Sucks  (Read 6574 times)

Doug Sterner

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MoRich Customer Service Sucks
« on: March 28, 2005, 11:38:21 AM »
This entire incident has me so upset that I need to get it out in public. I have never been treated so poorly by a manufacturer...this is ridiculous!!!

I picked up a used Ravage on ebay. It was drilled lefty so I wanted to plug it up and redo it for myself. Well, I chose to start with the thumbhole. Upon removing the thumbslug I noticed that there was a small hole under the "mass bias pin." I didn't think anything of it since I see this all of teh time with Storm balls.

Well I poured up the thumbhole and walked away. I came back to the plugging area in the shop less than a minute later and the hole was empty!!!! Yes a 1-1/4" thumbslug hole empty in under 60 seconds! Well I turned the ball around and the plug had run out of the MIDDLE FINGER HOLE!!!! Now the ball was drilled for inserts so the fingers were not that deep. The bottom of the ring finger hole did touch the pin though.

My only thought was that the mass bias pin and main pin were connected and somehow there was a void in the core causing the plug material to find a way out.

So I email MoRich and ask if the ball could be warranted and replaced for a cracked/separated core. here is my exact message followed by their reply...

"I Just picked up a used Ravage from a lefty and since I am a righty I decided to plug it up. I started with the thumb tonight and I poured the thumb only to see the level go down in like 30 seconds. I looked and it was running out of the fingerholes. Any idea here if we are dealing with a cracked core or what? Can I get it warrantied? I really want to try this ball and figured this would be a great way but now this. Help?"

Their response

"Hi Doug,

Thanks for taking the time to visit our web site and for the question!

It sounds to me like the fingers and thumb met at the bottom. I have seen this many times in our retail shop, especially with shorter spans or in situations where the fingers where drilled extra deep to remove excess weight. Since the ball has plug in it now, there is now way to find out for sure, but I can say that I have never seen plug run out of another hole, without them being connected. I have seen the level of a freshly filled hole drop because of a core seperation (from the shell), but not from a cracked block.

I would go ahead finish plugging the ball and re-drill it for yourself. I don't feel that there will be anything wrong with it. It really wouldn't fall under a warranty issue now anyways, since it was plugged. If it was a core seperation (which have not been that common at all since we switched to Brunswick), then it would be deemed a defect and we could cover it under warranty.

Fred Carroll, Jr
Director of Technical Services
MoRich Enterprises, Inc.
P: 1-877-530-0324
F: 1-804-550-3693"

SO what's the deal? How could I know the core was separated until the plug poured out??? Man I cannot believe they would treat a shop owner this way....
Doug Sterner
Doug's Pro Shop
Owego, NY
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Re: MoRich Customer Service Sucks
« Reply #31 on: March 31, 2005, 10:36:53 AM »
I don't know about Brunswick balls, but this is apparently a common problem with Buzzsaws as I had 5 of them and 4 of them had a void like this. (finger hole was within 1-2-3/4 inch from the Pin.

I have a lane1 SCB with a void in the ring finger hole. It is a single drill but the pin is about 1/4 or 1/2 inch to the right of the ring finger. Would lane 1 replace this? Just curious.
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Doug Sterner

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Re: MoRich Customer Service Sucks
« Reply #32 on: March 31, 2005, 11:51:51 AM »
I think we have finally (after the addition of my originally absent information) gotten to the root of the problem here.

Why does Brunswick have this problem and what are they doing to remedy this? I feel the problem is the short pin they use. The pin only goes through the outercoverstock on most of the balls. It is not like a Storm ball where the pin goes all of the way into the core. I feel this is a problem. I have found toothpicks stuck under the pins of some Buzzsaws I have drilled and have found the same on some Infernos, Monsters etc. Maybe this is the real reason why they saaay "do not drill within 1" of the pin." I'd also venture a guess as to the fact that this is the reason for cracking around the pin. I have never had the pin crack out of a Storm or Ebonite ball but have seen it often on Brunswick stuff.  Peculiar....

Anyway guys I didn't want to stir up a ton of controversy here but I just find it odd that a company who sells bowling balls to pro shops would treat a pro shop in such a manner. I mean if it was not for pro shops selling their stuff Mo would not be in business.

Legend4Life95...yes Lane 1 will stand behind that ball if there is a problem with it cracking out and such. I do not think they will do anything if there is not a performance degrading flaw. The void you are seeing is the space left empty by Brunswick between the core and the pin.

Revolutions....the only time I go through my suppliers are when the manufacturers tell me to. I just had a Trauma Response warranty'd by Storm and I had to send it back to them direct. Track wants you to return the ball to the supplier where you purchased it...that's tough especially if you deal with 3-4 suppliers. They want to do this so that they can deal with a pallet of balls rather than a single ball when they get shipped back but the turn around time is significantly slower.

I should have taken pictures of what I had after the plug dried. I never even took the finger inserts out of the ball before I plugged the thumb so I had a middle finger hole with insert installed that was full of ball plug. Not to mention the fact that i had a countertop covered in ball plug.

I am going to redrill hte bal lfor myself and go on with things. I just won't be pushing their products to anyone. I had them on display in the shop but I will not have anymore.
Doug Sterner
Doug's Pro Shop
Owego, NY
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Re: MoRich Customer Service Sucks
« Reply #33 on: March 31, 2005, 01:48:25 PM »
i'm with doug on this one.  it's really a common sense.  keep proshop operators happy cuz in turn that'll keep the manufacturer's pocket happy.  i mean honesty, most of ball purchases are made from shop owner's recommendations for the general public.


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Re: MoRich Customer Service Sucks
« Reply #34 on: April 01, 2005, 10:44:45 AM »
BJ The Troll... Go back under your bridge. Doug Sterner is a great guy, and morich f*cked him over. Yes there was PLUGGING but guess who put it there? WE HAVE A WINNER, and from what ive heard from DOUG is, They wont warranty the ball due to plug. There is a Problem with that, which you dont see.

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Re: MoRich Customer Service Sucks
« Reply #35 on: April 01, 2005, 11:02:20 AM »

  Doesn't Mo-Rich warranty their stuff against MANUFACTURER defects? Plain and simple, that is what this apears to be.

  Regardless of who owns the ball, it appears to have had a flaw caused by the manufacturing process and thus should still be under warranty. I don't remember seeing anywhere that it is only warranteed to the ORIGINAL OWNER, just that it is warranteed for a specific time frame.

  Not taking sides on this issue either way, but a warranty is a warranty, regardless of the ownership of the ball.

  And really, how are you supposed to find a cracked/seperated core without pouring something into the holes? Who has time to X-ray a bowling ball prior to plugging it? And that still might not find the flaw.

  If the guy is that knowledgable, he should know that the ball defect was found DURING the process of being plugged, and existed before the plug work was done.

 Right or wrong, I think the ball should've and could've been warranted.

  P.S. I had a brunswick ball (inferno) crack on me. I bought it used, but when I contacted brunswick, they told me they would warrant it, but it turned out that the ball was too old and OUT OF WARRANTY.  I am sure that if they would have worked with Doug, even if the ball wasn't replaced, Doug would still have good feelings about things, much as I do about brunswick.  They treated Doug like a simpleton, and I think that would have gotten to me, just as it did Doug.
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Doug Sterner

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Re: MoRich Customer Service Sucks
« Reply #36 on: April 01, 2005, 11:30:59 AM »
I'll respond to this only to prove to bowlingjunky what a clown he's making of himself....

with a 5" span and reverse pitch in both the fingers and thumb there is 100% no way they could have met in the ball. In fact if you would run some geometrical analysis you could see the only place where there could be a meeting of the holes would be OUTSIDE the ball.

Now another question....I ask any of you with access to an old ball and plug to do this for me....

put the thumbhole up towards the ceiling and pour it full of ball plug then report back to me.

I want to see how many of you have the plug run out of the fingerholes.

I'll be willing to issue a personal apology to every single person on this site if more than 15% (allowing for a 10% error deviation) of the balls tested have plug run out the fingerholes.

Any more than that and I say MoRich had an obvious problem with the ball and they refused to take care of a 5 game old ball with a separated core...
Doug Sterner
Doug's Pro Shop
Owego, NY
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Doug Sterner
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Doug Sterner

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Re: MoRich Customer Service Sucks
« Reply #37 on: April 01, 2005, 11:33:05 AM »
Thanks for bringing that up was exactly the point I was trying to make.
Doug Sterner
Doug's Pro Shop
Owego, NY
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Doug Sterner
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Re: MoRich Customer Service Sucks
« Reply #38 on: April 01, 2005, 11:47:30 AM »
yeah that's garbage... regardless of who owns it, they should stand behind their product.  If it is defective (as obviously it is), then they should replace it, no questions asked.  Is someone expected "test" every single ball for defects before plugging?  At a bare minimum, they should offer to at least inspect the ball...  

personally, I would reply back to their email (including a link to this post) and cordially remind them that "word of mouth" is the best or worst form of advertisement.... and based upon this, I for one, do not plan of buying or recommending MoRich equipment to anyone.    

good luck doug!
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Re: MoRich Customer Service Sucks
« Reply #39 on: April 01, 2005, 12:04:30 PM »
All I know is that Storm, Brunswick, Lane 1, or Track would have handled this much differently

When you peal away all the noise here, the above statement by Doug defines what this issue is really about. The issue comes down to customer service and the way that Doug was treated more than the specifics of the warranty.

I've had a few problems with Ebonite and Lane#1 equipment where in pure terms, the companies could have blown me off if they wanted to. They didn't, and as a result, I continue to be a loyal repeat customer to both outfits.

It's a matter of attitude, and MoRich blew the situation.
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Re: MoRich Customer Service Sucks
« Reply #40 on: April 01, 2005, 05:04:58 PM »
Bowldoc4u .. I know NOTHING about plugging/drilling balls .. if I sound stupid it's because I AM!

You say that the WARRANTY is void once you attempt to plug the ball (I say attempt in this case because I think Doug indicated the PLUG material run right out of the ball, therefore the ball was NOT PLUGGED at the time of the initial email). My question is .. is it necessary every time you attempt to plug a ball that you check for core separation? From what I understand Doug did not know the problem until the PLUGGING MATERIAL ran out to the floor. Should Doug be doing some preliminary inspection of every ball he PLUGS? If yes, what should be done?

Hope my question makes sense!

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Re: MoRich Customer Service Sucks
« Reply #41 on: April 01, 2005, 06:49:57 PM »
Incredible, I didn't think this debate would go on this long.  But since it has guess I will throw in my two cents.  But before I do I have a question for Doug.  Did you completely fill the holes with plug, or did you just let the plug that ran out dry as it was?  My reason for asking this is because if you left it the way it was "after" your initial attemp to plug it, there may still be evidence.  Did the plug ooze from the finger holes and down the sides of the ball and dry that way?


Doug Sterner

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Re: MoRich Customer Service Sucks
« Reply #42 on: April 01, 2005, 09:32:47 PM »
arc, here's what I did....

poured the thumbhole full... came back and noticed that the material had run out so I found where it was coming from and ran a piece of duct tape across the fingerholes to keep in whatever else was there and prevent it from running out all over the ball...

at that time I did wipe the ball off and filled the thumbhole up with more plug material

since then I have plugged the rest of the holes and am getting on with things. there is still some area on the ball with plug material on it so I'll need to resurface the ball and get that off.

oh well......too bad too I really like the looks of the Total Annihilation and teh Ravage on our lanes and I was looking forward to drawing more business by throwing this ball but now I dunno.....
Doug Sterner
Doug's Pro Shop
Owego, NY
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Doug Sterner
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Re: MoRich Customer Service Sucks
« Reply #43 on: April 02, 2005, 12:37:54 AM »
I have plugged a couple of balls and had plug pour out of another hole in the ball. In each situation the ball that I was plugging had a seperated core. I have been in the pro shop biz for nearly 3 years now, and I have seen it. My guess is that the person that had the ball prior had very poor success with it, before the injury, and was going to get rid of it anyways.

I have bought many used balls online, I never once checked it for a core seperation before plugging.

Just my 2 cents.
Carl Hurd

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Re: MoRich Customer Service Sucks
« Reply #44 on: April 02, 2005, 06:53:48 AM »
Well, I've been following this, too and I guess here's where I stand:

1) Contact the seller and let him know the ball was damaged and return it for a refund (not sure of the terms of the sale but most states have implied warranties);

2) It seems Morich would profit more from taking a different approach since I wouldn't think this would happen all too often.

Conclusion: I don't think Morich is wrong, but I think they have acted unwisely. (PS - try to work up the ladder if you still feel they should warrant the ball. Companies have a way of reconsidering when you are persistent)

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Re: MoRich Customer Service Sucks
« Reply #45 on: April 02, 2005, 08:52:59 AM »
as you just stated doug

a pro shop at times can sell any ball he wants to a customer.

As a result in this i wouldnt carry any of their balls or drill any more

there loss