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Author Topic: asymmetrical question  (Read 1356 times)


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asymmetrical question
« on: January 26, 2008, 05:01:39 AM »
Can someone explain this to me.  I have heard many times that on asymmetrical bowling balls having the pin 4" to 6 1/4" from the bowlers pap produces more forward roll and having the pin 4" to 2" produces more side roll.  I just don't understand that at all.

Here's how I look at things.  Let's say we have two balls with the same pin location which is above the bridge 5" from the bowlers pap.  Ball #1 has the MB 1" right of the thumb and ball #2 has the MB on the bowlers VAL.  Ball #2 is going to get into it's roll quicker than ball #1 because the MB on ball #2 is at a lower degree and closer to the VAL.  Thats what I understand!

What I don't understand is how the pin location is going to promote forwards roll or side roll?  The only thing that I can think of that supports this thinking is having the pin 5" from the bowlers pap is going to have less imbalance thus pulling the ball more to the side as opposed to mess imbalance from the 5" pin to pap which will tumble more end over end.

Can someone explain this a little bit better?