am i the only one that misses the "old" days @ BTM of honest ball reviews by knowledgeable people that were aware of their limitations.
when Mr. Summerville first started reviewing balls, there was close to zero ball manufacture advertising, and he would not accept freebies by the manufactures. he bought the balls himself, had 'em drilled however his shop guy would recommend, gave them one reeeal long workout and then wrote up what he though. what a concept. as his technical knowledge grew, so did the depth of the reviews.
...jk can't even manage to properly measure total track flare... i wouldn't give him any "freebies" either, not that that is the reason for (Morich) not sending balls there to be reviewed, nor is it any "unfavorable" reviews (all btm reviews have been positive of Mo's product).
you could be a trendsetter in OK, the first one on the block! think of the competitive advantage
. you probably have a better feel of the product line through contacts on this forum than ball testers that refuse to leave dated methodology behind & drill the d@mn things improperly.