I am looking to get a new heavy oil ball. I have had a few Morich balls in the past and liked them. I have been reading the threads in here and see a lot people liking both these balls. In researching them you get into the whole particle vs. reactive debate. I haven't had much luck with particle balls in the past. I think mainly due to my ballspeed, about 19 mph. I have med/high to high revs, but the particle equipment just seems to go a bit too long for me. I am very interested in hearing from the Morich "experts" out there as to why the S&D might be different, or if the AH is the way to go. Looking for something to use at PBA regionals (especially pattern 5), BTM tournament, etc (extreme floods). Thanks for any advice.
"Ray, next time someone asks you if you're a god, you say YES!!"