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Author Topic: Ntense LevRG  (Read 2473 times)


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Ntense LevRG
« on: February 25, 2009, 01:33:38 AM »
I just wanted to post up a quick topic regarding the Ntense.  I have the LevRG, and picked up the Ntense for longer/heavier patterns.  

I drilled it with a 2 3/4 pin to pap and a 4 3/4 PSA to pap.  It's a 30 X 45 dual angle layout.  Here's basically how it wound up looking:


I got to bowl with it on the shark and the scorpion pattern and it easily gave me 1 or 2 boards of room where before I had none.  You won't be able to just swing the lane obviously but I was amazed at how much power and forgiveness this ball gave me.

I bowled with it in a couple regional tournaments a few weeks ago, one in Tampa FL and one in new haven ct.  The shot was just a heavier tournament style shot which allowed me to use the ntense the entire tournament.  I averaged 232 across 9 games in tampa with it playing off the 7-8 board with about 3 or 4 boards of swing.  Then in the tournament the next week in Connecticut I hit a 210 average with a similar pattern but more of a wall on the outside.  Because of the dry outside it was tough to really keep a consistent shot with this ball.

In the end, this is a ball I never even bother to bring with me to league.  Some people say "I can't throw my heavy oil ball because it's too strong for league shot" but in the end you know they can at least find a breakpoint to work with deep inside.  I can honestly say with confidence that this is the first ball I've owned where I legitimately cannot bring it to my house shot because there isn't a breakpoint on the lane that can tame this beast!

If you're looking for that super hooker heavy/long oil ball to help you compete on the tougher sport and PBA shots then there is no other ball out there that can compete with the Ntense LevRG in my book.



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Re: Ntense LevRG
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2009, 09:38:31 AM »
How do you have your coverstock prepped??


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Re: Ntense LevRG
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2009, 11:09:50 AM »
Ntense is Awesome isn't it! I love mine wish I had enough oil to use it more often, hope the Response is as good
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Re: Ntense LevRG
« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2009, 11:46:47 AM »
I have the coverstock at the box finish of 1000 grit abralon.

I've taken it down to 500 but it doesn't make much of a difference.  I imagine if you polish it it'd become one heck of a skid flip ball!


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Re: Ntense LevRG
« Reply #4 on: February 25, 2009, 04:20:37 PM »
I currently own two Ntense LevRG's and love both of them.

My first Ntesne LevRG is drilled with the pin 3.5" from pap, MB is about 2" right of thumb.  I think the angles came out to 50 x 3.5 x 30 if I remember correctly and balance hole in the P1 location.  Cover is 500 grit.

My 2nd Ntense LevRG is drilled with the pin above the bridge 5.5" from pap, MB 1/2" right of thumb and balance hole in the p3 location. Cover is 2000 grit.

Both of these Ntense's are awesome.  I've only bowled on one pattern where both of my Ntense struggled to hook.  I bowled on a 44' pattern last week(no dry boards outside) and the oil carried down so bad neither of my Ntense LevRG's could hook more than 3 boards.  When the pattern was fresh I had about 10 boards of hook but by the middle of the first game it carried down so bad that everyone on the pair struggled. That just goes to show you how much lane patterns affect scoring.

The NT is a great ball and carry's like no other i've ever owned.


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Re: Ntense LevRG
« Reply #5 on: February 25, 2009, 06:36:04 PM »
I echo chitown's post, if you think Virtual Gravity can hook and hit you really need to try a Ntense cause it will be make the VG look whimpy.
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Re: Ntense LevRG
« Reply #6 on: February 26, 2009, 08:10:36 AM »
I couldn't agree more.  Everyone keeps talkinga bout what a hook monster the Virtual Gravity is but I've seen it with a similar layout with someone who plays similar to me and the Ntense was much stronger.

Not only that but all the VG's I've seen shine up ridiculously fast.  I have a friend who took it to 2000 grit abralon, put 4 games on it, and it looks like a polished box finish.

My Ntense has 9 games on it after my last cleaning and it's just as dull now as it ever was.


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Re: Ntense LevRG
« Reply #7 on: February 26, 2009, 09:20:18 AM »
I've seen a lot of VG's being used lately.  I've seen one at a local tourney and several in my league.  The VG is a very strong bowling ball.  I feel it has more backend strength than the NT.  The NT has a much stronger mid-lane read and is more controllable.  At least those are my impressions of the two balls.

It's sometimes hard to compare equipment unless you own both and their drilled similar with the same cover prep and used on the same pattern.

Guys the VG and NT are both very strong bowling balls.

I came close to buying a VG but chose a 2nd NT instead.  The carry the NT offers is just unreal.    

Edited on 2/26/2009 10:21 AM


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Re: Ntense LevRG
« Reply #8 on: February 26, 2009, 10:47:20 AM »

Good point on the layouts etc.  I've compared my ntense to the VG based on what I've seen on longer/heavier patterns.

I think you're absolutely right, the VG probably has a bit more backend pop than the ntense levrg.  However when I've seen them on the heavier patterns the VG I think goes a little too long and doesn't have the finish my ntense does.

With the VG at 4000 out of box and the ntense at 1000 pearl out of box it's a touch comparison.

I'm thinking of picking up a VG for some of the heavier, but shorter patterns.  Like a 42 ft modified house, or the chameleon.


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Re: Ntense LevRG
« Reply #9 on: February 26, 2009, 04:21:28 PM »

Good point on the layouts etc.  I've compared my ntense to the VG based on what I've seen on longer/heavier patterns.

I think you're absolutely right, the VG probably has a bit more backend pop than the ntense levrg.  However when I've seen them on the heavier patterns the VG I think goes a little too long and doesn't have the finish my ntense does.

With the VG at 4000 out of box and the ntense at 1000 pearl out of box it's a touch comparison.

I'm thinking of picking up a VG for some of the heavier, but shorter patterns.  Like a 42 ft modified house, or the chameleon.

That sounds like a good plan.  I'm actually surprised how long the VG goes considering its got a low rg core.  However, the ball is very strong on the backend.

I personally feel the NT is just a great all around heavier oil ball.  It works very well on the tough patterns I face in league.  My league doesn't put out walled up patterns so using the correct equipment is a must.  The NT is one of those balls that has a very consistant roll through out the lane.  It's very easy for me to control.

I'm not sure if the VG would be good on my leagues difficult patterns.  I prefer equipment that's even reacting on the backend.  Flippy reactions don't work well for me on the tough patterns.