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Author Topic: Problem...  (Read 1230 times)


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« on: August 11, 2006, 05:21:31 AM »
I have to MoRich ball the AF and the S&D i have loved both fo them since the day i got them but lately ive been having a problem. It seems my AF is slowly dying on me and this comes very surprising to em becuase even thso i use it alot i clean my ball everyday ( i work in a  proshop) and it doesnt go completely staight but its lost about 3/4 of its original reaction in 3 months.
also its annoying cause ive had my S&D longer and it gets more use but it still hooks like new. Coudl this be because i sanded my S&D down to 600.
Any Opinions greatly aprreciated
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Re: Problem...
« Reply #1 on: August 11, 2006, 05:31:25 PM »
There is no way the AF should lose reaction like that. IMO, that is one of the most durable covers ever made! Are you sure you PAP hasnt chaged or, you are coming out of the ball different?


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Re: Problem...
« Reply #2 on: August 11, 2006, 10:38:05 PM »
i really dont know about my PAP changing but my release has stayed the same but i noticed something today. I left my 5 balls in the car (which was very hot) and only the MoRich balls had oil coming out of them even though i clean all my balls the same.  I dont know wat to do

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Re: Problem...
« Reply #3 on: August 11, 2006, 11:02:18 PM »
You say that the ball has lost reaction.  You should observe the ball reaction going down the lane.  If the ball is going into a forward roll and rolling out, then I would suggest that the 600 grit finish you put on it is causing it to burn up early and you should bring up to 800, or 1000 til you see it retain its rotation. If the ball is skidding all the way down the lane and not making its turn, then I think that it is time to pull the oil out and then see if its reaction comes back to where it was.

Hope this helps you out.

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Re: Problem...
« Reply #4 on: August 12, 2006, 03:09:40 PM »
I've noticed the same thing that happened to you.  I have an Awesome Flip, that does have quite a few games, and a S&D that has about the same # of games.  I clean both the same and very often, but while the S&D has retained the same reaction, the AF has lost some hook.  Oddly enough its not really "dead" in the sense that I've come to know, it still has some angularity left and just as good continuation as it had when it was new.  I have seen more problems with activator than I have seen with pk18.  Although as compared to many covers, activator has a long shelf life, pk18 just never seems to die.
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Re: Problem...
« Reply #5 on: August 13, 2006, 02:23:38 PM »
BallsDeep-  thats exactly it when i first got my AF it was stronger then my Fired UP which i expected now it still does ahve some "angularity" but not as much

Robadat- my AF is the problem. i sanded my S&D to handlemore oil and it works great thanx anyway for the suggestion
"Ive seen better acting in a porno"
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Re: Problem...
« Reply #6 on: August 13, 2006, 04:37:35 PM »
One more thing, sanding a ball seems to make a ball die quicker.  Its a small sampling that I have, but it seems as though more complain about sanded solids than polished anything.  This is probably not the reason that the S&D has held up, as I said, my theory is pk18 as opposed to activator.  If however when you said that you sanded the S&D, that could have an effect due to resurfacing, have you ever resurfaced your AF?  Especially if you bowl on wood lanes it could be tracked up.
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