No idea where the "target hole" is on the Mayhem. Control drill plus possible flare reducing weight hole
surface on Hercules is VERY rough (500 grit). Hercules is also particle.
Mass differential on both balls is the same.
Assume pin height onMayhem is 2 1/8" over midline; can tell what the Herc's pin height is.
The difference in pin placement and MB between them is almost trivial; one can often get greater differences with release variations.
So I'm almost surprised that the Mayhem is as strong as it is, compared to the Herc#1. That they can be close is not surprising. (HOWEVER, even broken down house shots MAY hide the difference in ball reactions!!!! Wait til you do much more testing before you
make a decree as to which is stronger.)
Some of the perceived ball reaction difference can come from your own subconscious recognition of the Mayhem's advertised strength. In other words, you
may be thinking on a subconscious level, "the Mayhem is a stronger ball so I'm going to rev it up more to insure I see a difference". Operative word is "may". Not to worry, we all do it whether we want to believe it or not; we're human. We can talk ourselves into and out of anything.
Realize that as much as we talk, "omigawd! did you see that ball hook"; in reality, it may be only 2 boards more than our "other" ball.
Perception is everything.Bottom line, as long as it is stronger, recognize the actual differences and take advantage of them when you can.
"...for advice is a dangerous gift, even from the wise to the wise...."
J. R. R. Tolkien