Not really good with technical stuff but heres what i own
a shara drilled to go long and snap
a ravage with a medium agressive drilling
a T/A with a forward roll drill
For my sahara i usually play straight down 5
ravage i usually play startin at 19 over arrows at 16 and break around 10
and my T/a not sure about boards but i basically start as deep as i can and play the oil the whole way. Ball only break about 3 boards but allows me to play in the middle where no one usually plays, or i start where i would with my ravage but get a flatter, smoother read. Sorry i cant give you stats. My question is there any major gaps in my equipment. Next ball im considering is a TSA and start the same place as my T/A but cover more boards with it. Other thing im lookin at is possible an Awsome Flip. So just some opinions on if i have any major gaps, and which do you think would better fit me