I would consider myself an average bowler. Alley I bowl on has older wood lanes & Med. oil. Had been using and older Rhyno ball( that actually had the pin on the left side of fingers, pro shop said was backwards for a right handed bowler)... anyway was going to have this one plugged for me. While waiting for this to be done, bowled 2 nights with a Morich Seek and Destroy. Had a pair of 600 series, and I am only a 150 bowler most of the time. Loved the smooth arch to the pocket this had, very comfortable ball. The pro shop offered to sell me a used Track Freak Out for just the price of drilling. Well don't care for this one as well. It has a major back end cut to the pins, that I could get used to I guess. But would really like to find something that had a smoother back end like the Morich. Any ball suggestions or surface prep I could do to the Track ball I now have? Had been Eye balling Columbia Freeze this a possibility?