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Author Topic: Rip-r  (Read 2582 times)


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« on: December 06, 2010, 08:30:32 AM »
I'm really serious about picking one up, but haven't seen many reviews on it.  Can anybody, somebody provide info on it?  

How does it stack up to the Mania?

What do you like/dislike about it?




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Re: Rip-r
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2010, 05:16:58 PM »
I've got 3 RipRs. I am waiting a little while to add reviews til I get more games on them.  I throw the ball fairly hard (16-18 mph) and normally play 15 at the arrows to 8 at the break point.  The 4000 grit oob finish didn't work for me because it was too over under. I took the finish down on the and made them much more usable on more conditions.  

80/4/40 p2.5 (1500 surface) - this is the suggested late break point drilling with the in box drill sheet.  This ball gets really good length and flips pretty hard. At 1500 grit it is still able to get down the lane and have a lot of backend. It seems to gain another board or two right before impact. I leave a few 7s (im right handed) and a few 9s.

35/4/75 p3 (2000 surface) - this drilling puts the pin below the ring finger and gets the ball rolling quickly. This gets me a more mellow backend reaction. I cover about the same amount of boards as the above drilling but it's much more of an arc.

55/4/30 p3 (2000 surface) - close to a double thumb drilling for maximum hook. This out hooks my 60/3/30 p2 (500) and 55/5/25 (500) Manias.  It out hooks them by 3-4 boards and they're much more snappy. Both manias have a banana shape.

The RipR has the length of the frenzy, backend of a craze, and the ability to handle oil like a mania or LevRg response. has great videos on it comparing the balls with similar drillings.


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Re: Rip-r
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2010, 10:22:30 PM »
Pros:Easy length, Smooth off the spot even with a snappy drill pattern,Carry is amazing.

Con: Doesnt hook as much as I imagined, but will still cover boards if you throw it properly.

I have never used a Mania, but IMO the Rip/R will be stronger off the spot with more length and the Mania Earlier and handling a little more oil.

With the proper drill patterns and If you have a higher ball speed this could be a good 1-2 punch.
"Complexity lay within the artistry of execution"

+++Henry Zou+++

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