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Author Topic: S&A Target Weight Hole Question  (Read 992 times)


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S&A Target Weight Hole Question
« on: May 12, 2005, 02:42:09 AM »
After drilling the thumb and finger holes, my Shock and Awe ends up with 1 1/8 oz side weight and 1 oz top weight.  I have read somewhere in this forum that Morich suggests that Target Weighting be used to determine the balance hole location.

What is the real advantage of using Target Weighting comparing to the method described on the drilling instruction sheet (intersection of VAL and the line connecting grip center and CG)?  Is it true that the target weighted balance hole location is measured from the intersection of grip centerline & midline and located somewhere on the midline?  Would the Morich experts please help me to figure out the target weighted balance hole location on my ball?  My ball is drilled according to Morich's instruction sheet for sharp break point, any suggestion on the ideal ending side weight?

Thanks in advance for your help and happy bowling.



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Re: S&A Target Weight Hole Question
« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2005, 01:44:16 AM »
Thank you for your comments.  I had contacted Morich Tech Services as suggested by kotm.  They replied to my email in less than 24 hours with the exact target weight hole location and explanations on the idea of target weight system.  Two thumbs up for Morich Tech Services!

With the target weight hole in place, the ball reacts somewhat better down the lane and provides a slightly firmer read at the breakpoint.  The next thing I want to try is to restore the ball surface to box condition (bad decision in polishing it up to high gloss) and see if it could handle more oil, any idea on how to bring it back to original box finish?  I believe Brunswick Factory Compound is not available in my area but I do have access to Track and Progrip/Degree stuff.  For those who have experimented with different surface on your S&A, what would be the best surface preparation for medium to heavy and heavy oil condition?


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Re: S&A Target Weight Hole Question
« Reply #2 on: May 18, 2005, 05:16:58 AM »
If you can't get Brunswick's Rough Buff, try this:
Sand to 600 grit (to remove the polish and lay down a base finish), then remove sanding lines and put on a "sheen" with Track's Clean and Sheen.
C&S is a rubbing compound intended to remove sanding lines and polish to about 1000 grit. Don't go too heavy handed on the pressure or you will put on too high a polish.

Mine came just barely short of a polish; some S&A's have been coming highly polished. I don't know why the difference.
This place, Buddies, has Rough Buff, in quart and 6 oz sizes. They have lots of other good stuff if you want to balance off the added shipping costs.

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Re: S&A Target Weight Hole Question
« Reply #3 on: May 19, 2005, 11:53:51 AM »
TZ ...thanks for keeping the info in their email secret!

Why don't you cut and paste into a reply here.


It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana