I don't know whether my humble opinion agrees or disagrees with Drrevs. I do know this though......I like MoRich more....now that he's gone to Big B covers, than when he had covers by Columbia.
Now, having said that, I do own a Herc which I love! But it definitely requires attention and cleaning upkeep on a regular basis, or you WILL SEE a drop-off in hitting power.
I have also talked with several pro-shop drillers, who have said that some of Mo's particle pieces, will lose effectiveness after awhile. I have seen it happen with some friends of mine's Hercs and also the Seek and Destroy. But...and this is a big but......as we all should know......particle pieces require an extra amount of care and cleaning attention anyway!!
Nuff said. Covers probably don't die.....they just appear to die....due to operator ineptitude.
I have had no other cover problems with any of my other MoRich pieces.