It will depend alot on drillings. I have a Flip and a Revs with the same drilling. They both handle the same kind of oil with the Revs maybe handling just a touch more but, to me they are both medium/heavy balls. Even though I have them both with the same drill, there is not overlap. They compliment each other becasue, they are a sideways step from each other. The Revs is great for playing snappy backends or playing between ditch to thrid arrow (IMO, it is not angular enough to play deeper). The flip is best deeper than third arrow becasue of the strong move it makes and its best on not-so jumpy backends unless you really want to open it up. Here is the way I use them, start with the revs when the lanes are fresh and use it until you have to move left to open it up. Then go to the Flip.
The main thing that impresses me with the revs is the control! It is dead consistant shot to shot. Carry down and stuff like that it just ignores! The tougher the shot is, the more I like the revs becasue of the control and becasue straighter is greater on those shots.