Thanx a lot for the quick replies! If it is really Activator+, it should make a nice addition to my Ebonite Xxcel for less oil, which tends to run off to the left when there is not enough oil. I normally play on a 40' sports pattern, and the Xxcel has been too much in the summertime. The S&A should have more length, and a nice pop in the end is what I am looking for.
It is supposed to replace my Raging Red Fuze - less rolly/arcy, more angular overall reaction. Your comments ensure my image of the ball. And, besides, it could be that it will be one of the 1st S&As in Germany... I like that idea
Thank you, and "Gut Holz" everybody!
DizzyFugu --- Reporting from Germany
Team "X":
"All that we see or seem, is but a dream within a dream..." - Edgar Allen Poe
Edited on 8/31/2005 9:32 AM