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Author Topic: What happened to Mo-Rich?  (Read 78217 times)


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What happened to Mo-Rich?
« on: November 21, 2010, 04:00:48 AM »
Just a couple of years or so ago, it seemed that Mo-Rich was climbing the ladder. They had lots of good stuff with lots of innovation, and one of the brightest designers in the industry.

 Then, for whatever reason, things have seemed to cool WAY down.  There aren't that many who still talk about them much here, and very little buzz seems to exist as to whether they are coming out with new stuff or not.

 They just came out with the Perpetual Motion, and it seemed to be mentioned here almost as an afterthought.

 Does anyone here know?
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Re: What happened to Mo-Rich?
« Reply #1 on: November 21, 2010, 12:08:07 PM »
Perhaps this silence is the open market's response to MoRich.  They had some great ideas, but IMO their gear never seemed to pan out. In my area, those who bought MoRich balls ended up scrapping them really quickly.  There was no backend in their gear, and just never seemed to match up with a lot of folks.  Unless you spun the ball like a helicopter, definitely no dice.
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Re: What happened to Mo-Rich?
« Reply #2 on: November 21, 2010, 12:38:09 PM »
An interesting question. I believe Mo and his staff are some of the most knowledgeable in bowling, but I'll take a stab at a few reasons why they might not have reached their potential:
1)Brunswick coverstocks and the bad publicity resulting from Brunswick's move to Mexico. There were some quality issues as well right after the move.
2)The cores tend to overwhelm the covers resulting in very early roll.
3)Intensive marketing efforts by the other companies and the rise of 900G.
4)Changes in status with PBA (no longer even Grassroots approved).

Judging by what I have seen recently, the products may be improving, with better covers and higher RG cores that may match up with more bowlers.


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Re: What happened to Mo-Rich?
« Reply #3 on: November 21, 2010, 12:45:59 PM »
they should go to storm or ebo
UIA B.B.A Staff
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Re: What happened to Mo-Rich?
« Reply #4 on: November 21, 2010, 12:57:23 PM »
they should go to storm or ebo

 If you have nothing of value to add to the conversation, your opinions are invalid.

 This is a question concerning Mo-Rich, and is in the Mo-Rich forum. I'm sure your comments would be appreciated more elsewhere.
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Re: What happened to Mo-Rich?
« Reply #5 on: November 21, 2010, 01:12:29 PM »
they should go to storm or ebo

 If you have nothing of value to add to the conversation, your opinions are invalid.

 This is a question concerning Mo-Rich, and is in the Mo-Rich forum. I''''''''m sure your comments would be appreciated more elsewhere.
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Im telling that they should go to Storm/Ebo... cuz they have better reputation than Brunswick and also they have more coverstocks than them...
If Morich is running the same way that LAne1 with brunswick, they''''''''re giving Morich just older coverstocks i remember  a Brunswick intl. staffer telling me that latest balls from lane 1(with brusnwick coverstocks like cobalts) had the older Brunswick covers like powerkoil18..
So maybe the cores from morich are great... but they''''''''re using older coverstocks that don''''''''t work in todays conditions!

Edited on 11/21/2010 2:22 PM
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Re: What happened to Mo-Rich?
« Reply #6 on: November 21, 2010, 01:19:20 PM »
I am in the group that could never get a decent reaction out of their stuff. I could never put a finger on why that was, so I just stopped using them.

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Re: What happened to Mo-Rich?
« Reply #7 on: November 21, 2010, 01:44:12 PM »
starting with the LevRG the huge market for these balls were how you could drill them and they be totally different with different layouts. Watch any of the videos on their site and you'll see 2 of whatever ball one strong one weak to show how different reaction you can get with the same ball with different layouts.... your ave joe blow customer isn't goin to be buying 2 high end of the same ball 99% of the time. Combine the sensitivity of the layout to alot of pro shop operators that don't take the time to measure tilt/rotation/PAP and you get balls reacting a way the customer didn't want, thus a "DUD" just my theory about why these balls are not as popular.
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Re: What happened to Mo-Rich?
« Reply #8 on: November 21, 2010, 01:57:15 PM »
starting with the LevRG the huge market for these balls were how you could drill them and they be totally different with different layouts. Watch any of the videos on their site and you'll see 2 of whatever ball one strong one weak to show how different reaction you can get with the same ball with different layouts.... your ave joe blow customer isn't goin to be buying 2 high end of the same ball 99% of the time. Combine the sensitivity of the layout to alot of pro shop operators that don't take the time to measure tilt/rotation/PAP and you get balls reacting a way the customer didn't want, thus a "DUD" just my theory about why these balls are not as popular.
The Bowler's Edge Pro Shop

 This is true for a lot of people, let it be known this is not the case for me.


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Re: What happened to Mo-Rich?
« Reply #9 on: November 21, 2010, 02:33:14 PM »
I think the biggest reason for the decline in hype over Morich is that everyone else has caught up to them. At one time their huge asymmetric cores with crazy numbers were kind of mind-blowing. People threw Morich because that was the only place to find cores with such a strong mass bias, now it's the norm.


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Re: What happened to Mo-Rich?
« Reply #10 on: November 21, 2010, 02:54:57 PM »
Dont underestimate the effect of them not being allowed on the PBA is having on them now. I cant tell you how many people around here bought their stuff simply because they saw Walter Ray Williams throwing their stuff every week.

Edited on 11/22/2010 1:27 PM


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Re: What happened to Mo-Rich?
« Reply #11 on: November 21, 2010, 03:21:30 PM »
While my experience is limited, they are very sensitive to layouts and releases.  If the bowler is inconsistent with their release, it seems like the stronger the core less margin for error you have.  I know on my NSANE levrg, that if i missed it alittle, it wasn't going to finish well.  You could say that about any ball, but it seemed worse with strong assy balls.
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Re: What happened to Mo-Rich?
« Reply #12 on: November 21, 2010, 11:50:07 PM »
Morich is being pured by 900Global today not brunswick anymore


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Re: What happened to Mo-Rich?
« Reply #13 on: November 22, 2010, 12:17:56 AM »

Im telling that they should go to Storm/Ebo... cuz they have better reputation than Brunswick and also they have more coverstocks than them...
If Morich is running the same way that LAne1 with brunswick, they''''''''re giving Morich just older coverstocks i remember  a Brunswick intl. staffer telling me that latest balls from lane 1(with brusnwick coverstocks like cobalts) had the older Brunswick covers like powerkoil18..
So maybe the cores from morich are great... but they''''''''re using older coverstocks that don''''''''t work in todays conditions!
Edited on 11/21/2010 2:22 PM[/quote]

On the contrary Morich uses tweaked Brunswick covers and the covers used by Mo are on Brunswicks High end gear such as the Siege Line, On to the next point. Ebonite covers are some of the worst in the industry, How many truly good bowling balls has Ebonite the Flagship had in the last ten years? The Mission, the One, and NV thats is about it. Their covers have a track record of dying out after low numbes of games, why bother to use a Ebonite cover? Further more, Older covers work just as well, if not better than in some cases, modern covers. I have shot some of my best sets with older gear in the last five years. Oil in todays game is diminishing so who wants/needs stronger covers? Even on the PBA it is rare to see guys throwing the big hooking ball, Look at how much Urethane and Mid performance stuff is being used. Less and less volume makes the new covers look like garbage and older covers look amazing. Do you homework next time. Also Mo's cores are the driving force in his gear, he approaches that aspect of design, though not as much right now I will concede, differently from other most other companies.

makpa, All Morich gear is poured by Big B, Rip/R's cover is a modified Version of what is used on the Evil Siege, and the Motion on the lanes shows it, I have throwen both balls and the look is similiar, But you can tell the core in the Rip/R has alot more power than that of the Evil Siege.
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Re: What happened to Mo-Rich?
« Reply #14 on: November 22, 2010, 12:37:42 AM »
I think that MoRoch lost its market niche with strong MB ball to mainstream manufacturers. The decline came witn the LevRG series - MoRich over-did this core, IMHO, and the market around them spawned cores with similar specs, with RG asy. diff. in the 0.03" area.

Besides, I think that the cores made the ball more and more limited in use. I has the local case that many players tried out the LevRG series balls, but were very disappointed in the reactions they got - probably due to the specific nature of the cores. Those balls would quickly get dropped, and replaced by mainstream high end stuff. Not that this would yield a better reaction, but it is a mental thing, IMHO. Mo's balls have been there as high end, technical stuff - that does not work in Joe Bowler's hands. Other high end balls are similar, but "Hey, it's XXX", this is a great ball, just because 10 pins fall. The ball STILL does not perform well, but it is a different perception.

IMHO, MoRich is currently in a dnagerous nowhere land. What does the brand stand for? Recycled Brunswick covers, maybe tweaked, and aberage core designs. While this combo is NOT bad at all, I do not think that it is a vital selling argument or does anything to differentiate MoRich products from th rest of the bunch.

They could easily end up as "Lane #2" if the management does not put some thought into marketing... Sad!
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